Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crazy Quilt Day 12

I finished two more seams on the February block tonight.  I used a chain stitch-rosette for the first seam, using red DMC 304.  I will be honest, I think I spent more time taking stitches out to fix mistakes than I spent making the actual stitches.  I don't think it will be a stitch I choose to use frequently in the future.

Chain Stitch-Rosette

The second seam was a lot more fun, and I can see this one becoming a favorite!  I used green DMC 989 to make the buttonhole up and down stitch (a new one for me.)  I used the same floss to make a small lazy daisy stitch between the buttonholes.  After that, I used pink DMC 899 to make pairs of lazy daisy stitches at the top of the buttonhole stitches and to make a colonial knot (which I read is supposed to be a bit larger than a French knot) above the lazy daisies.  The end result looks like a chain of flowers.  (Oops!  Looks like the camera strap made a guest appearance in the photo below.)

Buttonhole Up and Down, Lazy Daisy & Colonial Knot

This is how the block looks with 7 seam treatments:

I have been asked why I am making so much work for myself.  I think part of it is the challenge of learning something new.  However, the real fun to me is watching how a few strips of fabric, a few colors of floss, and a couple of beads can transform into something so much more.  I look forward to seeing how this block transforms tomorrow! 

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