
Monday, April 4, 2016

HAED QS Red Hearts Progress - April 2016

It is the first Monday of April already! How time does fly...

This is how my progress looked in March on my Heaven and Earth Designs QS Red Hearts chart based on artwork by Ching-Chou Kuik.

I only added 2.5 hours worth of stitching (last night) into this piece since my last post. However, I did manage to add 388 stitches during that short time. 

The progress is difficult to see, but is mostly in the upper sun (moon?), the hair, and part of the face.

The full project is now 28.61% complete. 

Page 1 - 100% complete.
Page 2 - 55.57% complete.
Page 3 - 13.7% complete.
Page 4 - 13.5% complete.

I am linking up with Monday Stitchery Link Party #52 at Super Mom - No Cape! this week. (Did I mention time is flying?! 52 weeks already!) It is a great place to visit for a free embroidery pattern and to find links to more eye candy. If you do any hand stitching and have a blog, I encourage you to join the fun!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Oh I see the progress. Beautiful!! Great job.

  2. Great progress Renee! I love seeing your cross stitch projects and you keep track of them all so well! Have a lovely week! Christine x

  3. Red Hearts is looking beautiful. I rarely spend 2 and a half hours stitching in one day. You made a good deal of progress.

  4. I didn't find it hard to see the difference at all! She's starting to look like a person!

  5. Great progress you are making!

  6. This is looking great! It's always wonderful to see some progress on a project isn't it?!

  7. Wonderful! Great progress on this beautiful stitch.

  8. I can see the area you've been working on - you did well to do that much in only 2 1/2 hours!


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