
Sunday, April 3, 2016

CQJP 2016 February Block Motif 2 - Part 1

It may be a little difficult to see, but I finished most of the 2nd motif on my Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2016 February block. I traced a spider web onto the block and then stitched over my markings with size 12 DMC B5200 pearl cotton. 

The adjoining seams will all have flowers that spill over onto the web. I am waiting to finish those seams before I decide where to place my spider. 

Thank you for stopping by!

CQJP 2016 is a personal stitching challenge to complete a block a month. You may learn more about it here. If you are interested in joining next year, sign ups for CQJP generally open up in November and close in December.


  1. Renee, it looks great! You love your spider webs and spiders, don't you? Hugs

  2. You make the prettiest spider webs of anyone I know.

  3. Looking beautiful Renee! Love the web! Christine x

  4. I hate spiders but for some reason your web is just beautiful.

  5. Beautiful work! I love the spider web.

  6. Your spider web is looking great - lonely without a spider though!


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