
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

HAED SK Effects of Caffeine Day 6 Update

Remember my little travel project? It is Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) "SK Effects of Caffeine" cross-stitch chart based on artwork by Randal Spangler.

On March 25th, I took one of my boys to an appointment and kept myself entertained in the waiting room by stitching. During that hour and ten minutes, I only added 67 stitches. The jewel and surrounding area is very confetti heavy, so it was slow progress, but I am happy to see some of the green on the gem showing up!

The project is now 4.18% complete.

This is how it looked on my last update.

Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. Nice progress, Renee. Confetti stitching is always so time-consuming.

  2. Lovely progress Renee! I don't know how you manage to keep such good track of all your different cross stitch projects! I don't think I would be able to! Christine x

  3. All stitches are welcome stitches, Renee... lovely progress!
    A x

  4. I see your progress and it's beautiful. These designs just don't go fast that's for sure.

  5. Definitely some progress, nice work! And it's not a bad thing that you don't have a lot of appointments to go to, or not a long wait. :)

  6. I don't know how you stitch this one out of the house! I would have to have my good lamp on it. I think 67 stitches is great progress on a confetti-filled area. Looking forward to seeing more of this one.

  7. You are so patiently working on your cross stitch projects. Soon we will be able to see the eye clearly.

  8. It amazes me how much time this takes ... but it would have been time wasted if you hadn't been stitching, so that's a win-win.

  9. I had forgotten this one had a dragon. I'll bet you get lots of curious looks and comments when you are sitting in a waiting room stitching. Maybe you might be instilling an interest in stitching into some of your audience.


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