
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Christmas is in My Heart Blog Hop - My Day to Share!

I would love to thank Marian at Seams To Be Sew
for organizing the 
Christmas is in My Heart Blog Hop.

The Fat Quarter Shop has generously sponsored the hop
by offering a $25.00 gift certificate each day. 

If you are new to my blog, welcome!
My name is Renee and today I have two projects to share with you.

One of my passions is crazy quilting.  
This year, I am participating in a crazy quilted 
Holiday Fabric Postcard Swap through Crazy Quilting International 
(an on-line group on both Yahoo and Facebook.)
I had so much fun piecing, embroidering and beading this postcard that I may have to make a couple more!
I do hope the recipient likes it.

My second project warms my heart. 
To me, Christmas is all about family.

Every year, we host a Christmas brunch at our house. 
Later in the day, we head over to my in-law's home for dinner. 
On Christmas morning, my boys only open their stockings before their grandparents arrive. While they were still with us, 
the boys' great-grandparents joined us, too.
I am so thankful for the warm memories with them.

One year, the roads were too icy for our guests to join us for brunch. 
I tried to cheer my boys up by pointing out they would not have to wait until 8 or 9 to open their gifts. 
I guess we did something right. Neither of them cared about opening their presents without their grandparents being there. Luckily the roads cleared enough for our Christmas dinner! 
I am thankful our boys know Jesus is the reason for the season and time with their family is cherished.

In 2013, I made my first crazy quilted Christmas stocking and claimed it for myself. My youngest son surprised me by asking me if he could have it last year. I offered to make one for him instead.

So, I pieced and embellished a stocking featuring scenes 
from fabric I have had for years that I believe is 
from a line called "Christmas is for Families".

I truly enjoyed adding details to this stocking I thought my son would enjoy.

I am happy to say, my son likes it.

Above is the front. Below is the back.

I do hope you will stop by the other blogs presenting today.
Leave a comment on each one and enter to win 
a $25 gift certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you have a Christmas tradition, I would love to hear about it!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I love the tree couched with yarn, and embellished with the gold beads - no wonder your son is pleased that you made it for him!

  2. Renee, I love all the details you have put into your crazy quilting. I made a crazy quilt and the best part was the embellishments

  3. Your crazy quilting is lovely. And what a treasure your son's stocking will be. I bet it will grace his Xmas for many years. I love that you share Christmas with your extended family.
    Our family tradition is returning from church late on Christmas Eve then having a big feast and opening gifts in the early morning hours. And again on Christmas Day we gather again for another meal. Lots of good fellowship and memories.
    Merry Christmas

  4. Your projects are beautiful! I'm so impressed by the detail with the embroidery, beading, buttons, etc.

  5. Oh gosh, It's so Christmasy her!! I absolutely love your stockings..I bet your son is a doll!! He loves your work so much.
    xx, Carol

  6. Fun projects, love the reindeer.

  7. Renee, you work is wonderful!!! I simply love the stocking and th story.

  8. Love the stockings. Never really thought about using crazy quilting that way. It looks great.

  9. Your quilts are all beautiful! The one Christmas tradition that I've kept since I was a child is to get one special ornament each year. We have ornaments from places we've visited and ones that we or friends have made. Quite a mixture of styles on our tree!

  10. Very cute, thanks for sharing.Just the regular traditions, tree, cookies, family.

  11. Ohh I've been getting into the Christmas spirit and boy with this blog post I just jumped with joy. So gorgeous!!! Love all your pretties. You just do such gorgeous work!! Love your Christmas stories. I agree Christmas is all about family.

  12. Your Christmas stocking is just gorgeous, I love all the little details you included.
    You did a great job of raising those boys so they understand the importance of family.

  13. What a cool stocking. It's so fun to make something that's fun to make!

  14. Oh these are just gorgeous. I've always admired Crazy Quilting, but never had the courage to jump in myself! Your pushing me closer to that ledge! LOL!!

  15. Your work is lovely and the detail is so interesting and pretty.

  16. Your stocking is adorable! Christmas is definitely in your heart, and your sons' hearts as well. Your Christmas holiday sounds like it is filled with love and family.

  17. This is such a sweet post with stories of Christmas love in your family. Thanks for sharing! The Christmas stockings are so beautiful and definitely treasures from the heart.

  18. Awe such nice stories. Awesome work on the stockings and your recipient will love the post card. I would like to do some crazy quilting. It looks really neat.

  19. Love Christmas stockings!! Thanks for sharing!

  20. On Christmas Day, in the afternoon, we go to the National Christmas Tree in front of the White House and enjoy watching the train sets that go around and around the tree! My grandchildren love it!

  21. Cute stocking, Merry Christmas.

  22. Lovely projects! I admire your creativity and stitching skills.

  23. Your stocking is brilliant, I love the embroidery.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  24. The crazy quilt stocking you made for your son is delightful. I think it is especially nice because the color scheme is a little different with the dark background on the one side and light on the other. It is no wonder that your son likes it so much! It must be a joy to know that family values have been passed along and instilled in your sons, especially since so much of today's society does not recognize that Jesus truly is the reason for Christmas.

  25. I like both projects, but I definitely enjoyed reading the story of your family at Christmas time. I wish I would have been taught the same lessons as your children as a child... Although, my grandparents were very dear to me also. We always went for Christmas day and well into dinner.. so it was always a fun time to look forward to. I think I enjoyed decorating the tree more than I did opening any gifts as they had a huge bay window in their living room and you could see that tree decorated all the way down the street as you were coming to there home.

    Christmas is in your heart today and thank you for sharing your projects and stories.

  26. I love your crazy quilting. I've always admired Crazy Quilted quilts. Too often they do seem a bit over-done for my tastes so I love that yours are 'just right'. Thanks for sharing.

  27. How delightful to want to use an older print--sometimes we can just keep 'shoveling' those fabrics to the back and want to buy the newest ones!!
    love what you make with it--
    smiles, diane

  28. I do postcards but never with that much detail. It's marvelous. Your recipient won't be able to help but love it. Your family stockings are wonderful.


  30. Hello Renee! Your postcard and stocking are both adorable and so pretty! I particularly like the fabrics you used for the stocking.... so cute! Hugs Christine x

  31. Thanks for sharing your projects. Our children are adults and live in other cities but we still send them Christmas stockings with treats from Santa when we send their Christmas gifts.

  32. Your Postcard Swap partner is going to love the crazy quilted postcard you made for her!

    I clicked to make all the photos bigger so that I could have the chance to see all the amazing details you added to the postcard and your son's stocking.

    No wonder your son loves his new stocking. All the little details you added are such fun. And you stitching as always is inspiring. I'm sure that he will treasure it for years to come.

  33. Love the Christmas stocking. I need to make some this year.

  34. Great Christmas Projects, thanks for sharing

  35. Thanks for sharing your hand stitched pieces. I, too, love to hand stitch.

  36. very cute ideas, thanks for sharing
    Carole Corn

  37. Gosh, I'm late to the party! I really like the wreath and tree on your postcard. Your family story touched my heart. What good boys you are bringing up. The stocking turned out great! I loved reading this post, and you know I like just about every post you write. =)

  38. Love the stocking embellishments. Thanks for sharing your Christmas story.

  39. Cute stocking and great Christmas story. Jesus is the reason for the season! Thank you!

  40. Nice. I need to make some new stockings. I like the embellishment you added. Thanks.

  41. The third picture made me giggle - it looks like that snowman is tossing snowflakes up in the air. Thank you for the smile!

  42. We have pizza on christmas

  43. I have really enjoyed this hop and seeing everyone's wonderful Christmas projects! Your crazy quilt stocking are WONDERFUL!! I may need one of those!! :)

  44. Individualized stockings are so special. Very very nice and fun.

  45. Love crazy quilting. Thanks for sharing these projects with us.

  46. That stocking is so cute! Love all the little embellishments!

  47. Thank you for sharing your projects. I love the stocking!

  48. Your projects are always gorgeous. Love your stitching.

  49. wow what lovely stitching and some of those buttons I will have to keep my eye out for ... thanks for sharing with us today
    in stitches

  50. Beautiful crazy quilting projects! The first quilt I ever made was a crazy quilt, but I haven't made one since, they are a lot of work.
    Thanks for sharing.
    my email is:

  51. When the kids were little we made egg yolk paint brush cookies. But I must say, we haven't made them in years since they've all grown. Maybe it's time to bring that tradition back to life this year when we all gather together. Thanks for making me think about it.

  52. Your stockings are really cute. Love your crazy stitching.

  53. I am quite overwhelmed by all of your sweet comments! Thank you. If you do not receive a personal response from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Please know your comments warmed my heart. Thank you!

  54. Your cards and stockings are so unique to you. It's great to see so many followers appreciate your work.

    I hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas together and a wonderful new year as well.


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