
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

TAST Stitches 15 and 16

TAST Stitch 15: French Knot

This week I added clusters of 3 French knots (made with a strand of pink size 8 perle cotton) beneath a floral seam to dress it up a bit. (You may click on any photo for a larger view.)

In the past, I have used this stitch for all kinds of blocks and embellishments. I really liked the way it turned out as a filler stitch on the camera block I stitched for a friend.

I think my favorite use of the French knot was on the block I embellished for Donna in the Winter/Christmas round robin we were in together. (There are about 6-7 hours of French knots in those little piles of snow!)

TAST Stitch 16: Wheatear Stitch:

This was my first time using the wheatear stitch. It took me a while to figure out how to add it to one of my current projects. 

In the end, I decided to use a strand of green size 8 perle cotton to extend the wheatear stitch down the length of a seam. Then, I alternated variegated pink hearts and seed beads to dress it up.

I did use waste canvas so my stitches would be even and I was pleased with how the seam turned out.

TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. on Facebook and on her blog, You may read more about it here. Last week the French knot was introduced and this week the wheatear stitch was introduced. If you follow the TAST Facebook group, you know there are some incredibly inspiring examples of these stitches being shared. Thank you, Sharon, for offering TAST!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Oh my, French Knots, not really my favourites. But I have to admit that they look nice.

  2. Great use of the stitches. I can't believe how many knots are in that snow block. I would have cheated and used beads

  3. Cute ideas for the French knots and the wheatear stitch Renee! I love seeing the same stitch being worked by different people... the results are all so different... all lovely and very inspirational! Christine x

  4. That is the most impressive snow drift! Yes, French Knots are either loved or hated! You have put them to good use in a variety of projects. Keep up the good work!

  5. Wow. Just love seeing how you use these different stitches. I shy away from french knots. They never end up the same for me.

  6. Again, you amaze me. I love, LOVE seeing your creativity and beautiful stitching updates. You GO, Girl!

  7. For some reason, I didn't realize those flowers were sequins. That's a great looking seam. I REALLY like the wheatear seam. The hearts are such a nice touch. I may have to steal that one. ;)

  8. My Heavens I had to look very closely to see the snow and realize you created it with French Knots. WOW!!! I never did French Knots that didn't pull out or thru or just last till the next stitch. Yours are perfectly wonderful. I am enjoying all of your stitches and how you use them. Creative Stitch Bliss...

  9. French knots are one of my favourite stitches - time-consuming perhaps, but they are so pretty. Btw - love those little bunnies!!!


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