
Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Mail!

A dear blogging friend of mine recently sent me an email to let me know she had seen photos of my work in the Spring 2015 edition of the Embroidery Association of Canada's (EAC's) magazine, Embroidery Canada

I had forgotten that in late 2014, I emailed a few pictures of buttonhole seams I had stitched to Kerry Leslie, in case she wanted to use any of them in an article she was writing. I knew the article would be in an EAC publication, so I had no expectations of seeing it, even if any of my pictures were used. Being wrong can be fun! 

My friend from Magpie's Mumblings was SO incredibly sweet. She knew first-hand how exciting it can be to see your work in print, as one of her gorgeous blocks was featured on the front cover of the Spring 2015 Edition of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. She mailed me her copy of Embroidery Canada so I could read the article. There were also photos of lovely work by Peggy Kimble and Betty Fikes Pillsbury.

As if seeing 3 of my photos in Kerry Leslie's article "Buttonhole Stitch & Blanket Stitch" was not delightful enough, Mary Anne also sent me these beautiful laces. I cannot wait to incorporate them into a few crazy quilt blocks! I just love them. 

Of about 9 photos I sent Kerry, she included the three below.

Broomsticks Buttonhole Seam

CQJP 2014 February Block

Floral Buttonhole Seam from CQJP 2014 February Block

I am feeling quite spoiled. I do encourage you to visit Magpie's Mumblings to see some of the beautiful eye candy! (Let me add, I am not alone in thinking so. Mary Corbet included Magpie's Mumblings in "The Big List of Embroidery and Needlework Blogs to Explore" on her blog! How fun is that?!)

Crazy Quilt Quarterly
Speaking of seeing one's work in print (which really is quite fun), did you know that Pamela Kellogg's magazine, Crazy Quilt Quarterly, is accepting submissions for its Spring 2016 edition? The deadline for submissions is November 1st.  If you miss that deadline, I encourage you to submit something for the Summer 2016 edition before February 1st! Details about submitting your work (including themes for each season) may be found here, at Kitty and Me Designs

For those interested, the Winter 2015 edition of the magazine will be released on November 1st. Pamela Kellogg released this sneak peek on her blog on October 5th. I think the cover block by Kathleen Klein is just lovely!

Please note: I am not affiliated with Embroidery Canada or Crazy Quilt Quarterly. However, I do love seeing eye candy and reading tutorials! 

Thanks for stopping by!

*Edited to correct spelling on a name.


  1. You do such lovely work. I love the little broomsticks!

  2. Congratulations Renee both on being published and on receiving such sweet gifts from Mary Anne! She really is fabulous! Looking forward to the next edition of the CQQ, such a beautiful magazine! Have a lovely weekend! Christine xx

  3. I'm a member of EAC too and read the article. Congratulations on being published!

  4. I'm using that broomstick stitch first chance I get! So cute!

  5. Congratulations! I will use the broomstick stitch today, 31st October! How wonderful to have one's stitches shared with the rest of the needleworking world.

  6. How wonderful! Congratulations!

  7. LIKE! Congratulations Renee, that's wonderful for your work to be recognised in that way... I'm chuffed for you! Never know where it may lead! x

  8. Congratulations Renee!! I had my beading included in a magazine article once so I know how thrilled and exhilarated you are. Mary Ann is the best and it was so nice of her to send the magazine to you.

    Happy Halloween!
    xx, Carol

  9. Congratulations! You do beautiful work!

  10. Congratulations Renee!! How fun!! I can still remember how thrilled I was the first time I saw my by-line on my first published story, so I can totally relate.

  11. My goodness - now I'm blushing! Thank you for saying such nice things about me...I must be careful not to let them go to my head. And thank you SO much for the wonderful shout-out for our magazine. The more people that talk about it on their blogs, the better it will become. We need articles and project ideas to continue being submitted so that the magazine will continue to get better and better.

  12. You are absolutely right about how wonderful that surprise is! I'm so excited for you, and those little broomsticks are too adorable! I love Pamela, and I'm so glad she's investing more in CQ than in her XS these days - she's very good at designing both, of course! You have submitted things of your own to her, haven't you? They should be in there!

  13. Congratulations on being published. But I'm not surprised as you are doing such beautiful work.

  14. Oh, Renee! What a great post to read. You must be so flattered, happy, proud, astonished.....pick an adjective. Your stitching is so incredibly amazing, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see an article devoted to your creativity and stitching in the future. Well done, kiddo!

  15. You do gorgeous work. Glad they honored you. You deserve it.


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