
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

WIP Wednesday 05/06/2015

Wednesday has rolled around again. (Time really does feel like it flies by!) My Santa and the Mouse Ornament is progressing. Last week it was 64% finished. I completed over 400 stitches this week - mostly on Santa's collar, now it is 66% finished! Page 2 is sooo close to being done. I had a hard time setting this project aside to work on a few others this week. Below is the picture I shared last week. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)

This week there are a few things I wanted to share with you that might be of interest.

1. Hurry if you are interested, as this is late notice! Registration closes tomorrow, May 7th, for a Christmas in July Swap. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to check out this post at Wisdom with Needle and Thread.

2. If you are interested in linking up with the Stop Pinning and Make Something May Party at A Focused Journey this month, here is the post to link up in May and here are the rules/guidelines. (I plan to link up again later this month. The more, the merrier!)

3. The Summer edition of Crazy Quilt Quarterly is now available to purchase! Pamela Kellogg has posted a photo of the table of contents, if you want to check that out. This edition focuses on an under the sea theme and I will be ordering my copy today! (I am not affiliated with the magazine, but I would love to see this publication that focuses on my favorite craft grow and succeed!) 

4. CQ Quarterly is currently accepting submissions for their winter edition. The deadline for submissions is August 1st. Ideas for these submissions include: Christmas, winter, snowflakes, snowmen, blues, whites, red and green, silver and gold, Santas, angels, gingerbread men, trees, poinsettia flowers, mistletoe, holly, and mittens. For more details go here.

5. My Bloglovin' feed lit up with giveaway posts this morning. Today is one of two annual giveaway days at Sew Mama Sew. I do not know much about it, but as far as I can tell, there are two link parties for giveaways today at Sew Mama Sew. This one is for handmade goods and this one is for sewing and craft supplies. Giveaways are always fun, so I thought you might like to check them out. Several blogs I follow are participating!

6. Hmmm... I'm not sure there is a six, but I sure do feel like I am forgetting something!

Off to my goals...

Last Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) Done! Over 400 stitches completed. Photos are above.

2. Complete the block requested in exchange for my son's senior pictures. Not yet. I am working on adding some beads to a seam and I am SLOW at stitching them on. However, it has made great progress and should be done soon! (Sorry. My camera refuses to focus on the white-on-black.)

3. Add a minimum of 1,750 words to my novel this week
. I wish! Finding quiet moments at home to type has been nearly impossible.

4. Share pictures of Sandra T.'s CQI UTS RR blocks and create a plan for the one I plan to embellish. Done! If you missed it, the post is here. I will be embellishing this block. Normally, I wait to share my work on round robin blocks until they are done. However, I had someone ask me how I did one section on the last block. So, I may share this one as I go and include my thought processes along the way. (I hope it doesn't bore you!) 

5. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom No Cape on May 4th. Done! (If you missed out on what was shared on Monday, May 4th, you may check it out here! 15 blogs linked up this week and there is always a vintage embroidery pattern shared.) 

This Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 
2. Complete the block requested in exchange for my son's senior pictures.
3. Work on my Beginner's block from Kathy Shaw's FREE Crazy Quilt Basic Class.
4. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom No Cape on May 11th. 
5. Put together a raised bed for our garden with my husband.


  1. Santa and the Mouse is really taking shape - great progress!

  2. Hello Renee! Love seeing your weekly progress! Good luck for next week's goals and thank you for sharing the links! Have a lovely week! :) x

  3. You have worked hard on the collar, and I take my hat off as the area worked seems to be of very fine shading, and most of it in 'dull' colours. You are very patient!

  4. Oh my - what a lovely ornament this will be - it will be "A Keeper" as my mother used to say.
    I love watching your goals and following your adventures.

  5. Progress pictures are always fun so it will be fun to watch the round robin block as it evolves. Thank you so much for mentioning the magazine on your blog - the only way it will grow is through word of mouth so your post is much appreciated!

  6. Oh, yay, you're doing Kathy's class! You will love it, and it leads to so much more. Good plug for the magazine, too. Nice to see Santa looking almost finished.


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