
Thursday, May 7, 2015

An Unexpected Treasure

I am not even sure where to begin with this post... I am feeling quite surprised and more than a tad emotional. 

I am spoiled.

Those of you in the wonderful world of blogging (whether blogging yourself or following blogs) will not be as surprised by this as some people in life are, but I have a good friend that I only know on-line. Before she and I "met", she and her husband knew my husband for years through an on-line game. My husband kept noting how much Shell and I had in common and one day suggested we become Facebook friends. So, we did.

As for having a lot in common, let's just say we find it interesting to find out ways in which we are different.

(I have a confession... When I want to keep a project a secret on the blog until it is done, but feel the overwhelming need to share it with someone, Shell is my go-to person. Our Facebook chats are loaded with pics of works in progress.)

In December, my mother-in-law gave my husband and I our first amaryllis. Once it began blooming, I shared a few pictures on Facebook so she could see how beautiful it was.

Shell saw the picture above and asked for permission to embroider it. Of course, I said, "You bet!" Her work is always amazing and I could not wait to see how she painted the flower in thread.

On March 26th, in a post titled "54+ Hours Later...", she shared a picture of the finished piece and it was lovely!

She framed the piece and it was recently displayed at Gallery 194 in Michigan with the Fiber Art Junkies Exhibit. Shell shared some pictures of the exhibit on her blog, Little Orphan Stitch.

Today, I returned home from an errand and found a package on my front door. The box looked a little big for the only order I was expecting. I looked at the return address and was completely surprised. I thought back to a Facebook comment Shell made about watching the tracking on a package. I assumed she had mailed another lovely quilt to a family member. Little did I know...

I hope to needle paint nearly as well some day! This is so much prettier in person. The fabric is a pale green. This beauty is now adorning our fireplace mantel. 
Photo inspired embroidery completed by Shell at Little Orphan Stitch
Thank you, Shell! Words just cannot express how touched I am.


On an ironic note, I was planning to share this picture with my mother-in-law today. I kept forgetting to ask her what to do with the amaryllis after it bloomed. In the mean-time, I kept it watered. This happened this week!


  1. What a fantastic story, friendship, flower and embroidery!

  2. Great story!
    Here's ink to an article on haw to take care of the amaryllis.

  3. Fabulous! A new friend, a beautiful bloom & lovely stitch keepsake :)

  4. What a fabulous friendship story! Thank you for sharing it with us and, I am sure you will enjoy your embroidered flower for many, many years! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  5. What a gorgeous stitched gift! Your new friend is very talented.

  6. Amazing story to go along with amazing stitching! How sweet of your friend to surprise you with it.

  7. Gorgeous! She is talented indeed, and you are so fortunate. Yes, amaryllis will do it again and again!

  8. What a great friend! She's not only talented but had a generous heart. You are blessed. It's beautiful!

  9. Oh Renee this is such a lovely story and boy that is a gorgeous flower and your friend is so clever xx

  10. Pretty flower and wonderful stitched gift


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