
Monday, May 4, 2015

A Long Overdue Finish!

Afghan made from pattern in The Official Looney Tunes Cross Stitch
Book - Leisure Arts Leaflet #2723
Last week, I discovered a UFO stored hiding in my closet. This project began in 1999. The stitching was all completed years and years ago. Somehow, I had the patience to cross-stitch the whole thing, but not to tie off the edges. I think I also chose to set it aside after someone spilled hot cocoa on the fabric. After all that work, I did not know if it would come out. So, aside it was set. For years... 

I love Looney Tunes and fell in love with this afghan pattern in The Official Looney Tunes Cross Stitch Book - Leisure Arts Leaflet #2723. (I found a copy of the leaflet on You may see it here if you are curious. I am not affiliated with Leisure Arts. However, I do earn a small credit from Amazon for purchases made from my blog.)

This afghan seemed like the perfect project to share with the Monday Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom - No Cape today.

I spent a morning tying the edges off. Then, I spritzed Spray 'n Wash on the stains and put it through two washes on a delicate cycle. Aside from the tiny spot next to Taz, the stains all washed out!

I opted not to dry the afghan, but let it air dry. So, it is still a bit damp and wrinkled in the photo above.

When I showed it to my son (who had completely forgotten about this UFO of mine), he asked what he was supposed to do with it. I suggested he save it for his first kid and he liked that idea. 

Rather than being a REALLY late gift, it is now a REALLY early one.

Sixteen years later, I still love this afghan.

Now both boys have their own baby afghans to set aside for some day in the distant future. (The "Baby Afghan Safari I made for my eldest son may be seen in this post.)

Thank you so much for stopping by! I do hope you will check out the other blog posts shared at the link party this week.



  1. These are absolutely adorable! I'm so glad you (ahem) cleaned your closet?

  2. Great finish! Don't you love finishing the projects that have been stuck for so long?

  3. Now THAT is something I've never been able to be patient enough to do for more than about 2" square! Your finish is wonderful, and I don't see a spot next to Taz!

  4. A very cute project, and I am glad both your sons now have an afghan for their future offspring.

  5. Hello Renee! You must feel great finally finishing something that has been put away for such a long time! Your furture grandchild will love this handmade gift! What a great idea!! :) x

  6. One problem with making things for children is that they grow so quickly and one does not finish the project in time. You came up with a great idea - save it for the child's child!
    So good to hear the stains washed out.

  7. Too big a project not to finish. It's lovely and don't you feel pleased with yourself now? One UFO less .

  8. You must feel so pleased with yourself! Great finish.

  9. So glad you have finished this adorable UFO , a lovely job and a really neat project !

  10. What a fun finish. And it must feel great to be able to check it off your list! And what a great idea to keep it for a future grandchild.

    Thanks for linking up to Monday's Stitchery Link Party again this week and for linking back and helping to let others know about. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! Aloha hugs.

  11. Great finish. I think I have that book and some squares made on waste canvas.

  12. Timeless! A great finish...isn't it crazy how we'll put something away when it's nearly done! So glad the stain washed out.


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