
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday 4/9/2014

Winter/Christmas block progress as of 4/8/2014
Crazy Quilt Angel Seam
My Take A Stitch Tuesday (TAST) stitches are the only progress I have made on this block this week.  Using the Looped Cretan Stitch, Detached Chain Stitch and adding a seed bead, I created the angel seam in the upper-right section. (Click the photos for a larger image.)

(Please excuse the little bug on the white section of the block.  I took the picture outside and did not see him until after his impromptu photo shoot.)

Be sure to visit Sharon Boggon's PinTangle blog to see what others WIPW projects have been shared!


Although I do not have a lot to share you yet, it has been an incredibly busy week. (Nothing has been marked off my list, but at least nothing new has been added!  The second list is identical to the first - if you delete my progress comments that are listed in blue.)

Last week's goals:
  1. The purse I plan to make with my CQJP 2014 January block All of the pieces are cut out now!
  2. The 6 blocks I need to piece for the CQI Heart DYB Round Robin Almost -  I hope to share soon!
  3. My block to embellish from the CQI Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin (seen above)
  4. The wall hanging I plan to create with all of my CQI Winter/Christmas blocks
  5. My CQJP 2013 May block - better late than never?! (It is referred to as Block 4 if you follow this link.)
  6. A crazy quilted hexagon to participate in my first swap with the World Wide Crazy Quilters Yahoo! Group
  7. A change purse for myself (to learn how to use a sew-in purse frame.) It is pieced and one seam is embellished.
  8. Four gifts I hope to complete by the end of April 1 is almost done and 2 others have been pieced.
  9. The purse I plan to make with my CQJP 2014 March block All of the pieces are cut now!
  10. Complete my April CQJP 2014 block. (It has been pieced and a photo of the bare block is below.) One seam has been embellished
  11. Type at least 13,367 words for CampNaNoWriMo novel. (1,667 words per day.) 10,131 is pretty close, isn't it?! (Sigh... I've been behind since Day 1, but I am persevering.)
This week's goals:
  1. The purse I plan to make with my CQJP 2014 January block
  2. The 6 blocks I need to piece for the CQI Heart DYB Round Robin
  3. My block to embellish from the CQI Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin (seen above)
  4. The wall hanging I plan to create with all of my CQI Winter/Christmas blocks
  5. My CQJP 2013 May block - better late than never?! (It is referred to as Block 4 if you follow this link.)
  6. A crazy quilted hexagon to participate in my first swap with the World Wide Crazy Quilters Yahoo! Group
  7. A change purse for myself (to learn how to use a sew-in purse frame.)
  8. Four gifts I hope to complete by the end of April
  9. The purse I plan to make with my CQJP 2014 March block
  10. Complete my April CQJP 2014 block. (It has been pieced and a photo of the bare block is below.)
  11. Have a count of at least 25,000 words for my CampNaNoWriMo novel. (GULP!)
Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you all have a wonderful and productive week.


  1. Well done! I need to get my WIPW post up. Will do that in a minute.

    I'm curious about your goals lists. Do you expect/hope to complete the list each week, or is it just a list of current projects to work on/choose from? I'm big on goals and lists myself, so it's fascinating to me to see how others use them.=)

    1. Thank you! I look forward to reading your post with your progress.

      My goal list is definitely LONG term! A few items (like gifts) I know I have to finish by a certain date, and that helps keep me accountable and motivated. The projects I plan to make for myself, I tend to set aside easily. Posting the list here, I feel pressured to at least make a bit of progress. :)

  2. The angel seam is very it:)

  3. That angel seam is lovely and what at to do list!

    1. Thank you! (Luckily, it is a long-term goal list!)

  4. Very pretty block - I love blues!


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