
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

TAST 4/8/2014

Take A Stitch Tuesday (TAST) is a stitchers challenge offered by Sharon Boggon on her blog

I am not doing the stitches in any particular order.  For the most part, if I see a current stitch that fits a project I am working on, I will learn (or practice) that stitch and share it with you here.  At the end of this post, I will list the stitches I have completed so far.  The links take you to the directions on Sharon Boggon's blog.  To see my other TAST stitches, click on the TAST label at the end of this post, or on the menu to the right.

Note: for a larger view, click on any image.


TAST #1: Fly Stitch
Last week, I thought I should probably try to accomplish stitch one.  I spent about fifteen minutes trying to figure out how to use the stitch and ended up laughing at myself.  My Winter/Christmas block needed a snowflake seam and snowflakes are my favorite way to use the fly stitch!  It is worked with size 8 perle cotton above and a pearl bead covers the spot where all of the stitches meet.

TAST Stitch #106: Looped Cretan Stitch

TAST #106: Looped Cretan Stitch
Stitches 106 and 107 were introduced last week.  As soon as I saw the Looped Cretan Stitch, I knew I wanted to add it to my Winter/Christmas block.  It fit in so well after adding some beads and another stitch (as you will soon see.)  I still need some practice on evenly spacing the stitches...

The stitch is worked with white size 12 perle cotton.

TAST Stitch #107: Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch

I thought the beaded version of this stitch would look nice on my April CQJP 2014 block. (To learn more about the Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) and see lots of pretty eye candy, CLICK HERE.)
TAST #107: Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch

To be honest, after I finished, I was not sure I made the best combination of beads and threads for this stitch (as seen in the picture on the right.)  However, after I added my final stitch to the combination, I LOVED the results.  (Wait, did I really just admit I doubted this stitch combo? I could have had you all believing I knew how great it would look all along.  I share my hubby's opinion that this seam ended up looking, "Really cool!")

Oops!  I started adding yellow beads before I remembered to take a picture of the basic stitch.

This stitch is worked with a strand of yellow size 8 perle cotton and TOHO blue size 11/0 seed beads.

TAST Stitch #7: Detached Chain Stitch

I needed this stitch to complete my plans for the seam I embellished with the Looped Cretan Stitch, pictured above; so, I thought I would add it to my TAST stitches.

I frequently refer to the Detached Chain Stitch as a Lazy Daisy, as that is its label in some of my embroidery books.  It is one of the stitches I find myself using again and again.  Just look at how it transformed these seams and you may understand why.  It is a simple stitch and it is very versatile.

By adding a white seed bead and two Detached Chain Stitches to the triangles created with the Looped Cretan Stitch, I created angels on a seam on my Winter/Christmas block.  (My apologies for the photo, the lighting this evening was not the best.)

And, by adding a yellow seed bead and 5 Detached Chain Stitches with a single strand of EdMar Lola #034 rayon floss, I created flowers at the top of each yellow triangle formed with the Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch. 

Like I said, this nifty stitch can really transform a seam!

I just LOVE how cheerful this seam turned out.

TAST stitches I have shared (click on the name to see Sharon's directions )
#1: Fly Stitch
#7: Detached Chain Stitch
# 95: Linked Chain Stitch
# 96: Beaded Link Chain Stitch
#97: Shell Chain Stitch
#98: Beaded Shell Chain Stitch
#103: Beaded Butterfly Chain Stitch
#104: Buttonholed Cable Chain
#106: Looped Cretan Stitch
#107: Beaded Looped Cretan Stitch

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out what I have been up to!  

Have a wonderful week!


  1. such beautiful work, I love how you find such a perfect use for the stitches

    1. Thank you! What a sweet compliment. I must admit the angels were inspired by a seam I worked once before from the book "An Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches and Motifs" by Linda Causee. I just thought the triangles created by the looped cretan stitch would be a great foundation stitch for them!

  2. LOVE the stitches and especially the angels and flowers you made with the new stitch.

    Have you tried the FriXion pens for drawing on your design? They could help with your spacing, and they iron off easy. I usually put a piece of muslin over the project if I have just thread stitching done and iron it (I dont like the smell the thread makes with heat), and if i have beads, i flip it over and iron it from the back.

    1. Thank you! I have not tried FriXion pens. Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. I love the pens. I really think I would not have gotten as much into embroidery as I have without the pens. They made a huge difference for me.

  3. OH! one thing though, the colors (that i've seen) come in pink, red, purple, black. They work excellent on light color and medium color fabrics. Do not darken the lines by pressing hard or going over multiple times (they will leave a very faint marking if you do, is more of a shadow than color though). And on dark fabrics you'll need to use something else. I use mostly the purple and black. I think my mom also has the pink.

  4. Wow, just love what you did with the looped Cretan stitch! Your angels are so cute, great idea. But the last photo is my favourite.

    1. Thank you! The last one is my favorite, too. I am so thankful Sharon provides TAST. And, I am glad I finally decided to participate. I never would have come up with that seam without an introduction to the beaded looped cretan stitch.


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