
Monday, July 1, 2013

CQJP 2013 April Block Finally Completed!

Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2013 April Block Completed
It is 3 months behind schedule, but I finally completed my April block for CQJP 2013! 

You may recall that I originally labeled this bare block as Block 5.  At that time, it looked like this:
CQJP 2013 Block 5 before embellishing
I am still working on Block 4 - the one with the lightning fabric.  My "brilliant" idea definitely slowed me down.  On the bright side, I no longer want to toss the block and begin again.  The needle painting might just work out after all.  But, back to the April block...
This may look familiar!  I had so much fun working on the snowball I made for Donna in MT, that I decided to add some of those features to this block.

The swan pattern is from DMC Collection: Mini Motif Designs: Exclusive Creation by Mary Bartley Stockett.  

The cattails and lily pads were made using directions from Joan Gordon's Silk Ribbon Embroidery Bible.  (Although I used floss instead of ribbon, the sheep were made by referring to the same book.)
I wanted the seam-line with the brown beads to also resemble cattails.  However, I made them a bit too small.  My hope of adding two beads to each did not look right at all.  I think it turned out okay...

The addition of the sun, a few sheep on the hill, and some birds off in the distance helped complete the top.

However, the block was certainly bottom-heavy at this point.  Luckily, I found a few tree buttons hidden in my stash.  They helped even things out a bit.
Now, I am off to finally complete my Daring Bakers' June Challenge that should have been posted on my second blog, He Might Like It, on June 27th...   After that, I hope to complete my chores in time to work on my CQJP 2013 Block 4 and to begin piecing 6 blocks for my first Do Your Block Round Robin (it has a winter/Christmas theme and is with some amazing stitchers, so I can barely wait for it to begin!)
CQJP 2013 Block 4 - Before Embellishing
For those of you in the USA, I hope you have an amazing 4th of July.  Do you have special traditions for the 4th, or will you be making any fun red, white & blue treats?  If so, I'd love to hear about them!  (I made red, white & blue pancakes this weekend - they were dairy-free and sweetened with honey - the recipe will be posted at within the next day or two.)



  1. This block is adorable! I'm looking forward to how you put all your CQJP landscape blocks together.

  2. Thank you! And, me too! I haven't quite figured out how I want to do that yet...


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