
Monday, June 3, 2019

June 2019

Wow! Life has been busy. It is June already! And, I've only managed to share SAL (stitch along) posts in April and May...

This month, I am hoping to carve out more crafting time.  The photo above shows progress on my 3 cross-stitch projects as of May 31st.

The year is almost half over, so I looked back at my goals for 2019

My youngest son and I have started to get back into running. We are currently alternating walking and running to work up to a 5K. (Ultimately, our goal is to run a half marathon together in 2020.)

My June Goals:

1. Add at least 600 stitches to each of the cross-stitch projects listed below. Each is listed with the number of stitches completed as of May 31st.

2. Run at least 3 times a week, improving distance & duration.
  • Ran 5 days in May (Of the 3 tracked, ran 6 miles total.)
  • Longest distance in May: 2.11 miles
  • Longest duration in May: 36.36 minutes
  • Best pace: 15.46 minutes per mile

3. Make Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST) progress.

4. Make progress on a UFO project and/or a 1 X-mas Item a Month project.

On another note... I was told at the Post Office that October is a postcard month; so, I looked it up. The first full week of October is International Postcard Week. I also learned in the USA, the first week of May is National Postcard Week. Assuming time allows, I hope to make at least 7 fabric postcards to mail in October. 

I think I need more hours in each day! On that note, I am off to get some sleep. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Glad to see a post from you. I see you on Facebook but wonder how you are doing with your crafts. Glad to hear you are good busy at least. Good luck with your goals. I would love to find extra time too. Sure going fast lately.

  2. It's all those hours wasted working. LOL Those are great goals, and how healthy to walk and run. I used to walk an 18-minute mile, but I have no idea what it would be today. That was 10 years ago and I was walking 3-5 miles almost every single day. Then I moved into the hills. LOL Not happening here.

    It's exciting to see Twilight Duel so far along!

  3. Sounds like you are making great progress Renee! I think life is just so fast-paced these days it is hard to keep up! Or maybe it's just me getting slower as I get older!! Have a lovely weekend! Christine xx

  4. Sounds like you are making great progress Renee! I think life is just so fast-paced these days it is hard to keep up! Or maybe it's just me getting slower as I get older!! Have a lovely weekend! Christine xx

  5. If only we didn't have to eat, sleep and deal with outside influences .... just think of what we'd accomplish!! I can't imagine the dedication to even contemplate running a half marathon.


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