
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 2018

Is it just me? Or did May sneak up on us? 
I do hope to find create more crafting time this month!

As for my April Goals... 

Cross-stitch: I exceeded the goal of adding 3,000 stitches to my cross-stitch projects. Most of those went into Twilight Duel, but over 1,000 went into QS Red Hearts and she is still on target to finish this year (possibly by November!)

Exercise: My Couch to 5k running plans had a bit of a glitch. (If you are wondering what a Couch to 5k is, you may learn about it at However, I have been walking and exercising and hope to get a green light on running again next week.

May Goals:
1. Finish the Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM quilt top.

2. Add at least 1,000 stitches to QS Red Hearts.

3. Make progress on my CQJP 2018 blocks.

4. Complete two Mother's Day gifts.

Most Viewed Posts in April 2018
3. February 2018 (#4 viewed in April.)
4. March 2018 (#1 viewed in April.)

Thank you so much for visiting!


  1. Love the Mom Heart and stitching. Goals are flexible and life happens. Happy May and Spring...finally. <3

  2. So glad to see you back to blogging. Good luck with your May goals! Our weekends are going to be busy but I hope to find time for stitching during the week.

  3. What a beautiful heart stitching. That would make a nice cup. =) I hope your green light comes and you are back on track. I need to do something, but I don't think I'll be jogging any 5K runs. =) Good luck on your goals this month!

  4. Pretty stitching around the Mom heart. I guess that means Mother's Day is rapidly approaching.


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