
Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2018

Happy April!

Wow! One-fourth of this year has zipped by already. 
We have a lot of big milestones in our family this year, so I suspect 2018 will feel like a whirlwind and December is going to be here in the blink of an eye.

March was a month I spent on-the-go more often than not. What crafting time I did have was mostly spent cross-stitching.

Progress on March goals:

1. Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM "Hammock Time" Block and It's a "Wild" Life BOM "Dear Meadow" Block - fabrics were selected and applique pieces were traced

2. UFO Challenge 
February: Red Barn - borders added
March: Messenger Bag Embellishement - added 2 seams & a motif

3. Cross-Stitch 3,125 Stitches - 5,815 stitches added
2,075 added to QS Red Hearts
1,684 added to Twilight Duel
1,965 added to Fractal White Tiger
91 added to SK Effects of Caffeine

4. Exercise Plan in Bullet Journal - I have been walking 3 times a week and have a schedule written out for April.

5. Declutter Living Room - DONE!

April Goals

1. Make progress on CQJP 2018 blocks (the next one will use the colored fabric in the photo above.)

2. Make progress on a UFO project.
#5 was selected for April - for me that is to embellish this Christmas block.

3. Add 3,000 stitches to my cross-stitch projects, with at least 1,300 of them added to QS Red Hearts.

4. Exercise - once I kick the bug I have, my son and I are doing a couch to 5K running plan.

5. Catch up and keep up with replying to comments on my blog!

Most Viewed Posts in March 2018

Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. You are way too busy for me!! I agree time is flying too fast. I will slow this summer down by getting up really early and enjoying each day to the fullest and to get as much sun and fresh air as possible.
    xx, carol

  2. Congrats on your March goals and lots of luck with your April goals.

  3. Why is the year flying by so fast?!! If only we can enjoy each and every day and spend time being creative then we will savor every glorious hour we have. Awesome April Dear...xo

  4. Isn't it incredible that we are already in month four?
    Good luck with your April goals.

  5. Your plans sound great! Walking is a terrific exercise. If it ever gets nice here (you know, both warm AND dry on the same day?), I will be walking again, but not in my own neighborhood. It's too hilly for me. 3 miles a day is a good walk - I did that in Texas and lost 30 pounds in about 5 months. I walked 5 days a week, and some days were 2 and some days I even went 5, but it worked! I found I needed a variety of paths, though, because it's boring walking the same way every day. Where we were, I was able to map out one for each day of the week. =)

  6. So sorry you've succumbed to 'the bug' - really hope it's not the hanger-on one that my DH had. Take care of you!


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