
Monday, January 1, 2018

January 2018

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve!
My plans went awry, but I choose to focus on the positive.
2018 is going to be a stellar year!

January Goals

Crazy Quilting

1. Complete my crazy quilted ATCs and mail them to Pamela Kellogg for the 2018 ATC Swap through the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. 
Learn more about it here and find a tutorial here.  

Finish "Beach Boy Freddie" block of the Sun, Sand, and Sea Block of the month.

UFO Goal:
#12 on my list - rip the seams to remove the straps (sewn in incorrectly), sew straps in correctly, finish the bag, and donate to my son's Drama Club to raise funds for their annual trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.

Cross Stitch Goal
Finish page 19 on Twilight Duel.

CQJP 2018:
Piece and embellish "I love you!" block.

Finish a mug rug to gift in December.

Exercise Goal:
Work out 14 of 31 days.

Declutter Goal:
Declutter office.

December Goals - 4 out of 5 Goals Met!

1. My Heaven and Earth Designs Freebie Santa and the Mouse Ornament (Retired) featuring artwork by Scott Gustafson is fully finished! 

2. My son's stocking was fully finished!

3. "Sealed with a Kiss" is finished! 

A friend asked if the envelopes open. They do! Here is a picture of how they look when opened. (Click any photo for a larger image.)

4. My goal to add 3,595 stitches to my cross-stitch projects was surpassed. December total = 4,606 stitches.

Do you have any big plans, resolutions, or goals for 2018?
I would love to hear any you would like to share!

Happy New Year!!!

Thank you for visiting! 


  1. You have quite a reasonable list for 2018. I like your “STELLAR” year for 2018. Blessings Dear...<3

  2. BIG goals, no. Enjoy my life and spend my time doing things that uplift me and make me happy. Help others where I can. That about sums up all my life and all my goals. =)

  3. Wow I have not made any goals. But I have shamed myself by listing all of my quilt projects, UFO etc. ROFL...

    Love the Sealed with a Kiss, that is so much fun.

  4. Your December was great, Renee, and I'm sure you will accomplish your January goals as well. I particularly love your "declutter goal". I was doing this some years a go but meanwhile so much junk has accumulated again that it's time for another decluttering this year.
    Have a great 2018!

  5. Good luck with your goals!! Congrats on your accomplishments in December.

  6. Oddly, I don't set goals (never been a fan of making New Year's resolutions either). For me setting a goal is bound to lead to frustration if I can't meet my own expectations and once I get frustrated with a project I know it will end up never seeing the light of day again. I work according to my whim - on any given day I can choose to crazy quilt...or work on a barn landscape....or crochet....or knit....or simply sit and read a book. Perhaps my whim will lead to doing all of them in one day. I admire you for setting goals and showing us your progress and wish a little of you would rub off on me!!


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