
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

TAST Stitches 79, 97 and 100

This round of TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday) had 100 stitches.

Although this round of TAST ends this week, I have 30 stitches I missed along the way that I plan to complete before the end of the year.

TAST Stitch 79: Whipped Spoke Stitch
The Whipped Spoke Stitch was a fun one to work. I used a size 5 variegated pearl cotton.

You may see how it looked after adding the spokes.

 And how it looked after whipping the spokes. Later, I plan to add a bead to the center.

I realized today that I shared this stitch on Instagram in July, but forgot to share it here on the blog. Oops!

TAST Stitch 97: Feather and Chain Stitch

This was my first attempt with the Feather and Chain Stitch, and I found it fun to play with.

I used 2 strands of DMC 93, a variegated blue.

TAST Stitch 100: Drizzle Stitch

The Drizzle Stitch is always a fun one! 

Once again, I used the stitch to create a jellyfish. The body was outlined with a split-stitch and then covered with a satin stitch using size 12 white perle cotton.

I have used this stitch in the past. Below are photos of a few favorites.

The green vegetation at the bottom of the block I embellished for Sandy B. in an Under the Sea Round Robin was created with the drizzle stitch.

These jellyfish - inspired by the work of Kathlein Klein - used the drizzle stitch on a block I embellished for Mary B. in an Under the Sea Round Robin. 

You may click on any photo for a larger view.

These 3 TAST stitches were all worked on my CQJP 2017 March block. 

This Pinterest board was created to record the work on my CQJP 2017 blocks. 

TAST stands for Take A Stitch Tuesday, a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. of A new round of TAST will begin in January. However, you may work any of the stitches shared this year. The list is at the bottom of the TAST FAQ page, here.

CQJP 2017 stands for Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2017. This is an annual challenge to create a crazy quilt block (8-inches square or larger this year) each month. Sign-ups for CQJP 2018 will likely be announced in November and remain open until December. You may find more details here and see blocks completed this year here.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Interesting stitches. Love seeing your work.

  2. Beautiful stitches Renee! I have had so much fun with the TAST stitches... there are so many beautiful stitches to learn! Christine x

  3. What lovely stitches and creative ways of using them. You must have many very beautiful quilts now with all those TAST stitches!

  4. Nothing has meant as much to me as Sharon's TAST project. I, too, have stitches yet to be worked and I am looking forward to catching up.

  5. I'm very ashamed to admit that I don't think I've ever done a drizzle stitch. Obviously that lack must be rectified!! Whipped spokes are one of my yours with the variegated thread!

  6. Thank you, Catherine! I have made several crazy quilted bags featuring the TAST stitches. It is always fun to learn new stitches. :)

  7. Beautiful stitches. Love the jellies.


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