
Thursday, July 6, 2017

4th Annual Piggy Bank Savings Challenge

This was my 2nd year participating with the Piggy Bank Savings Challenge hosted by Val at Val's Quilting Studio

Last year, I saved $88.48 between August 1st and July 5th. 
(Here is the post where I shared the total & here is how I spent it.)

This year I managed to save $92.52.
(It would have been more, but I took some big, heavy blankets that are hard on my washing machine to the laundromat with a few of the quarters I had tucked away.)

Looking at the funds I saved, it is tempting to splurge on pretty fabrics for a new project.

However, my main crafty goal this year has been to finish some UFOs.
(If you missed the post with the priorities for this year, it is here.)

So, I am going to buy a couple of yards of interfacing that I need for two UFOs and put the rest of the money towards a student loan.

If you would like to see how everyone else did that signed up for the challenge, you may find the links here

And if you think you might like to join the fun next year, 
sign ups begin on July 13th for the 
5th Annual Piggy Bank Savings = Money for Quilting Challenge on Val's blog.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You save about as much as me. When just got home from the store in clanged 19 cents into my empty piggy. Thanks for participating!! V:)

  2. Good job. I had a bit more, but Jeff borrowed some of my paper money in my jar. LOL I didn't join last year but kept track with my 1/2 gallon mason jar.

  3. That's a nice idea and you were doing great, Renee.

  4. For many people cash is out of date as they use credit cards for most things. Good to see you are still handling coins!

  5. We serviced our sewing machines with part of our money, just so we wouldn't by more fabric. You did a great job!

  6. This sounds like such a fun challenge! Wouldn't work for me though because I never have money - I use a debit card for everything so never have cash on hand.

  7. That was great savings! Congratulations!


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