
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

CQJP 2017 February Block Motif 2

Well... in my mind, I thought it took me roughly 12 hours to finish the first octopus I embroidered using the octopus design from Aunt Martha's Stitcher's Revolution Sailor's Delight Iron-on Transfers. However, my blog post guesstimated about 10 hours. I decided to time this one...

Please note: this is a photo heavy post. 

I used DMC 3354, 3689, white and black flosses and Mill Hill Petite Glass Beads #42018 to embroider this piece. Stitches used included: split stitch, satin stitch, and the long and short stitch.

Wow. 12 hours and 55 minutes to finish this octopus! 
(I am not very fast - especially with the long and short stitch.)

This is the second motif on my Crazy Quilt Journal 2017 (CQJP 2017) February block. I did not time how long it took to create the seahorse, but I think it was roughly 5 hours. So there are roughly 18 hours of embroidery in this piece so far.

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project is a personal challenge to create a crazy quilt block each month that measures at least 8-inches square. (Obviously, I am running behind schedule.) You may learn more about the CQJP 2017 here and see blocks participants have completed here.

Other posts related to this block include:
February Block Motif 1 - here
CQJP 2017 January Block - here

Every step of my CQJP 2017 project is recorded on this Pinterest board.

Sneak peeks of my work are sometimes shared on Instagram - here and on my Hand Stitched Treasure Facebook Page - here.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I can well see it took many hours to complete this delightful octopus. It will partner the seahorse perfectly I love those eyes!

  2. A lot of work Renee but so worth it.... it is beautiful! Christine x

  3. This is a seriously cool octopus!! :)

  4. Yes he took you a long time but Oh my he's worth it. So adorable!!! I love his eyes. Wait I love everything about him!!

  5. That is some serious stitching time but they are both gorgeous

  6. I haven't tried long and short stitch yet, but know I will. I just love this octopus. The stitching is perfect and your beads really set him off. I like how you placed him on the seam line too.
    xx, Carol

  7. Oh my! You did a fantastic job on that octopus! It's absolutely gorgeous....and I can't believe I'm saying that about an octopus!!!

  8. Renee your embroidery stitching is amazing. You are wise to time yourself on a few projects so you know just how much work and time it takes to produce such wonderful pieces. Mr. Octopus is very detailed and I love your beaded tentacles. Ms. Seahorse is lovely too. I have so much admiration for your work dear. Well done! <3

  9. Great fun to see the octopus evolve and grow! Only another stitcher can appreciate the number of hours that go into making it.


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