
Friday, February 5, 2016

Valentine for My Sweetheart

Last October, I decided I should finally make a project and submit a photo to the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. My schedule was rather full, so I almost opted to wait. However, after looking through the types of submissions Pamela Kellogg hoped to receive for the Spring edition of the magazine (which had a submission deadline of November 1st), I decided to make a Valentine postcard for my husband. 

It definitely needed seams with hearts.
The base seam above was inspired by 

This was another fun stitch to complete.

While ironing the crazy quilted panel to the Peltex to create this postcard, these flower sequins lost a bit of their shape from the heat. However, I still love this feather-stitched seam!

This was a fun way to dress up a Cretan stitched seam.

In hind sight, I should have used white to create the butterfly's flight path. Can you see that it reads, "Be mine"?

There is also a message in the spider's web.

I am not certain, but I believe this was the first spider 
I created with a heart-shaped bead.

After writing a brief love note on the back, 
I mailed it to my husband's work address.

I mailed it in a plastic sleeve.
My husband said a small hole wore into the plastic covering the spider, so I was thankful for that extra bit of protection.

Yesterday, my husband emailed me a picture of his Valentine, 
displayed in the center of his cork board at work.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you crazy quilt at all, I  encourage you to submit some of your work to the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. Pamela Kellogg will be accepting submissions for the Autumn 2016 edition through May 1st. For more details and for a list of themes for this edition, check out this page on her blog. There is also a Crazy Quilt Quarterly Calendar Contest running through May 1st. You may find more details here (just click on the first photo in the post for a larger view of the contest rules.)



  1. Renee, I like the red and black...and the spider made from the heart shaped bead. Darling!

  2. Beautiful idea! That is gorgeous and the spider is awesome!

  3. Love your valentine card to your hubby, your colors are so romantic and it's the only type of spider that I like LOL

  4. Renee you valentine is just beautiful! What a lovely idea to send it to him at work too! I love the feather stitch seam... pretty sequins! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  5. Such a wonderful Valentine card for your husband. And you could use so many of the crazy quilt stitches.

  6. That is one fabulous Valentine! I love every single seam you did, and will no doubt steal something from here! What I love best though is that when your husband put it on the board, he was so careful not to pin through it! You have to love a man who values your work enough to be that careful. And loves you enough to display your Valentine! My heart was all mushy over him. =)

  7. Another perfect piece! Love it! So sweet of your hubby to display it proudly.

  8. That is beautiful and so romantic. What an adorable spider. X

  9. I'm sure your husband must be the object of much envy at his work, once people see what you've created for him. Lucky man!


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