
Sunday, February 7, 2016

CQJP 2016 January Block Seam 5 and Motif 2

We are already one week into February, and I am still plugging away at my Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2016 January block. 

Seam 5: 

1. Two overlapping rows of the herringbone stitch using size 8 Anchor perle cotton #1206 - a variegated red and black. I used waste canvas to keep my spacing even.
2. Tiny straight stitches tacked down the center where the longer herringbone stitches overlapped. I added this step because the quilt will be machine washed and I wanted to be sure the stitches were well secured and would not easily snag or pull.

Motif 2:

The spider web was created using size 5 DMC B5200 pearl cotton and the stem stitch. (Note: the string of web the spider is dangling from was created later.)

The spider was stitched with size 12 DMC #310 pearl cotton. 
1. The abdomen was stitched first by making a small detached chain stitch (also called a lazy daisy) and then making a larger detached chain stitch around the first stitch. (One of my embroidery books refers to this combination as a double lazy daisy stitch.)
2. The head was added with a colonial knot
3. Beginning between the head and the abdomen, small stitches were made and tacked down to create the 8 legs. (I always start with the two small legs in front, the longer legs in front, the shorter legs in back and then the longer legs in back.)

The web the spider dangles from was created with the stem stitch in size 12 DMC B5200 pearl cotton. 

This motif needed to be completed before I could embellish the next seam. Here is a little sneak peek that might explain why.

As you can see, seam 6 also fills a 3rd motif area. I will share more photos of it soon.

I must admit, I forgot how long it takes me to complete a 12-inch crazy quilt block. A couple of times, I have thought about setting this CQJP 2016 January block aside and making a smaller set of blocks for this challenge. However, I really would like to finish a lap quilt by the end of this year.  In spite of thinking I am a little insane (due to the size of the project), my hubby thinks it may well be the coolest thing I have made yet. (Please note: he has seen some of the secret work I will not be able to share with you until May or June and liked it so much that he wanted to start emailing pictures of it to his family. I was mean and said, "Shhh.... It's a secret!") I keep reminding myself, although I am a bit behind on this block, I am ahead on a future block...

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. You're definitely whetting our appetites, it sounds amazing! Love your spider and web.

  2. Another fabulous seam and I love your spider and web! Can't wait to see the 'secret' block! Have a fun week! Christine x

  3. I hate spiders but you make them gorgeous! Great job!! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  4. Fabulous block - you and your spiders

  5. Your block and stitching are looking fabulous! The spider and web are definitely beautifully done.

  6. Oh, now my curiosity is itching like crazy! =) I love your spider. Thanks for the very close up, and the explanation of how you made it. I would never have guessed the body! As always your work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing so much information, because those are the very questions I would have asked.

  7. These new additions to your block are fabulous. Wonderful spider and web that are not scary like real ones. Embracing Stitching Bliss...

  8. You are very lucky to have a husband who is so supportive of your work! That's a wonderful spider and web - good thing I'm not afraid of spiders because yours is very realistic.


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