
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Work in Progress Wednesday 09/16/2015

I do not have any progress to show on the Christmas stockings this week. However, I thought I might share what I harvested from our backyard yesterday. 

My husband loves growing hot peppers for his amazing homemade guacamole. We still have several peppers that have not ripened, so there will be more.

The pumpkins I planted in our garden box are not doing all that well this year. So, I am glad we opted not to transplant the pumpkin plant that sprouted in our compost this year. It is huge. All 6 of these sugar pumpkins weigh roughly 4 lbs. There are 4 more pumpkins on the vine still ripening and a few more that are just beginning to grow. (I love all things pumpkin...) Last night, I made this pumpkin soup (although I added less liquid than it calls for because I had to omit the potatoes) and it was soooo yummy. I loved the addition of fresh rosemary.

Next week, I hope to have more stitching to share. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Last Week's Goals:
1. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #23 at Super Mom No Cape on September 14th. (If you missed the party on the 7th, you may check it out here!) It will be the second Monday of the month, so I will share progress on my HAED Twilight Duel cross-stitch. Done! If you missed the post, it is here

2. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

3. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.

4. Share a TAST
 Week 10 post on September 15th. Done! If you missed the post, it is here

5. Embellish a block for the CQI UTS Round Robin. Almost. The TAST photo above is a sneak peek.

This Week's Goals:
1. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #24 at Super Mom No Cape on September 21st. (If you missed the party on the 14th, you may check it out here!) 

2. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

3. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.

4. Share a TAST Week 11 post on September 22nd.

5. Embellish a block for the CQI UTS Round Robin.

6. Share pictures of Kathy's blocks for the CQI UTS Round Robin.

7. Begin embellishing one of Kathy's blocks for the CQI UTS Round Robin.


  1. Beautiful pumpkins Renee! We don't grow our own, so I am waiting for some to come into the shops here.... love pumpkin soup! Christine x

  2. Hi Renee
    That pumpkin soup sound good. I like to make soups and stew in the colder weather, which is just around the corner. I think squash is the best thing about fall!

  3. Oh I did miss your check in for the Stitchery Party. Love the Twilight Duel and can't wait to watch it grow!! Beautiful pumpkins. I'm not a pepper fan but they look good too. Good luck with your goals.

  4. I have to admit I've never tried pumpkin soup, though I have had parsnip soup. LOL, probably nothing alike at all. That's a lot of pumpkins you are getting from one opportunity plant!

  5. mmmmm - pumpkin soup..yum. We were at the farmers market this morning and bought two absolutely gigantic butternut squash - there's going to be LOTS of soup from those!


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