
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

TAST Week 8: Chain Stitch

TAST Week 8: Chain Stitch

Using size 8 red perle cotton, I chain stitched half circles. (I need more practice... Even tracing them, I never seem to make them all consistent.) Next, I added 5 red straight stitches to each half circle. Then, I added size 12 green perle cotton straight stitches in the center of each section that the red straight stitches had created. Sets of 3 green straight stitches created small stems for 3 red seed beads. Gold seed beads added the finishing touch.

A few of my favorite chain stitches are below.

Some of the letters in the quilt I made for the We Support You Blog Hop were chain stitched.

Snow drifts were created with a chain stitch on this snowball I made for Lori F.

This winter tree I stitched on a block for Kathy S. was created with a chain stitch and couched branches.

Chain stitch was used for the tree branch and for the flower vine in this block I embellished for Flora.

This is such a versatile stitch!

TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. on Facebook and on her blog, You may read more about it here. This week, the detached chain stitch was introduced. If you follow the TAST Facebook group, you know there are some incredibly inspiring examples of these stitches being shared. Thank you, Sharon, for offering TAST!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Hello Renee! Another lovely post! I really love the two wintry scenes.... they are really pretty! Have a lovely week! Christine x

  2. Chain stitch is one of those stitches that is so versatile. I love to 'whip' a row of chains too - adds so much texture.

  3. Perfectly beautiful post - I love seeing so much inspirational goodness in one spot! Your first photo looks so wonderfully Christmas-y. I have to save that photo to try on a stocking sometime. It's festive and elegant. You do such a terrific variety of things!


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