
Sunday, August 30, 2015

HAED Santa and the Mouse Ornament Completed!

In 2014, I discovered Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) and fell in love with their cross-stitch charts. I was intrigued by the fact that back stitching was not required. The temptation to buy a chart was huge, but I opted to try out a smaller chart first. I wanted to see how similar the completed cross-stitch compared to the photo on the chart. I also wanted to see if a small ornament-sized project would hold my interest before embarking on a larger project. (There are enough UFOs in a drawer awaiting my attention without adding more!) 

On May 2, 2014, I opted to try the Santa and the Mouse Ornament that was offered as a freebie on the HAED website and I just loved watching it come together. (The free charts are updated periodically.)

Last night, the final stitches were added. Now, I just need to decide exactly how I want to finish the piece off. (There is a very high chance crazy quilting may be involved!)

The project took me roughly 15 months. However, there were some weeks (and sometimes months) that not a single stitch was added. 

My youngest son is quite happy this project is complete because it means I will be starting the Twilight Duel chart based on artwork by Ruth Thompson next. (This 24-page project will be just for him and I am thankful he is happy to watch it grow over the next 5-6 years. He is even encouraging me to take breaks from it to work on something with more than blues, black, and white.)

Hmmm... I will also need another small travel-sized project to work on and there is a 35% off Labor Day sale at HAED right now...

Thank you so much for following me on this long, slow journey! And I would love to thank the readers that took the time to comment, encouraging me to make a post as soon as it was complete.  It is done!

I am linking today's post with the 1 Xmas Item a Month blog.

Thank you for stopping by!

Updated: I discovered there is a Quick Stitch ornament of Santa and the Mouse that includes more of the original picture. There is a link to it here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Huge congratulations Renee! I am so pleased for you to have this project finished! Good luck with the new 'Twilight Duel' project.... that looks like a lot of stitches!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Christine x

  3. Fantastic finish! You were great to stick with it to the finish. I have too many things I start then move on to another project before the finish. Can't wait to see how you finish finish it.

  4. And there he is in all his glory! It looks really completely covered to me. What a great ornament for your tree. Your son is patient, but I hope you were kidding about 5-6 years. I don't know if I could stick to one thing so long! ;) Congratulations! Thanks for the links, too.

  5. Congratulations on your finish. I love seeing your progress.

  6. glad you posted, its exciting to show off when you've completed a project....well done it must have taken a lot of patience to get it done but its well worth it now xxx

  7. What a beautiful piece of stitching. You must be so pleased after all the time and effort, I know I would be. Looking forward to your next adventure.

  8. Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you that it's finished, what a fantastic achievement and finished so quickly (relatively) too. So many of these big pieces get started and never finished - I have one or two in that category - so you should be really proud that you stuck it through to the end. Can't wait to see how you finish it!

  9. Yeah, it's done! Congratulations. That must be a great feeling. It's always hard to get the big projects finished because there are always other things and new starts that need our attention. And then it's difficult to get back to the older WIPs.

  10. Congrats on your amazing finish, it looks just fantastic. So looking forward to seeing your new start.

  11. Congratulations!! I have enjoyed watching your progress on this piece and admired your tenacity on it's progress. I also look forward to seeing what you create with the design. I love the next piece that you'll be working on. And your son is so gracious! and sweet.
    xx, Carol

  12. Oh Happy Dance!!! This project is very precious. Congratulations "D

  13. Thank you, Sarah! The next adventure will be HUGE! :)

  14. Stunning finish!!!! Congratulations :)

  15. Congratulations on your finish. Santa looks wonderful!

  16. Congrats on finishing this beauty!

  17. Oooooh - if it wasn't so hot here right now I'd be doing a happy dance on your behalf! Congratulations on your finish of such a cute project - I've so much enjoyed watching your progress. 'Twilight Duel' is going to be a massive project - good for you for tackling it!

  18. Congratulations on a lovely finish! It has been such fun seeing this one progress. I can't even imagine how good it must feel to have it finished. And I'm looking forward to seeing how you end up using it in a project.


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