
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Work in Progress Wednesday 07/01/15

Last week, Santa and the Mouse looked like the photo above.

Today, I am happy to say 9 of the 15 columns of this chart are complete. (And each column from here on out will get smaller and smaller!) The chart was 87% complete last week and is now 89% complete.

One thing I have learned... Stitching with 2 threads over 1 on 28-count fabric was not my best idea. If you look at the picture above, you can see just beneath the stitches at the top, the bulk of the threads has squished the fabric together, making the holes difficult to distinguish. (It is a lot easier to see in this close-up than when I am stitching!) This has made working on this piece a bit of a challenge for the past couple of weeks. Luckily, the end is near! 

Here is my progress this past month. With my goal of 250 stitches per week, I will be done by August 25th. I aim to finish sooner!

Last Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) Done! Completed over 350 stitches. See above.

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #12 at Super Mom No Cape on June 29th. (If you missed the party on the 22nd, you may check it out here!) Done! You may view my post here.

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop. I have been working on a new idea here. Making progress! I do have a coin purse embroidered and ready to sew together, too.

4. Share a post for the 1 Xmas Item a Month blog. Done! You may view it here.

5. Share an update on the ICQC #102 Class I am taking from Kathy Shaw at Shawkl Designs. Done! If you missed the post it is here.

6. Piece a snowball to swap with Donna A. in July.

7. Piece a pincushion to swap with the Crazy Quilt Divas on Facebook.

This Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #13 at Super Mom No Cape on July 6th. (If you missed the party on the 29th, you may check it out here!) I will be sharing my progress on the Heaven and Earth Designs QS Red Hearts cross-stitch chart I began on June 4th.

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

4. Piece a snowball to swap with Donna A. in July.

5. Piece a pincushion to swap with the Crazy Quilt Divas on Facebook.

6. Share progress with ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.


  1. Hello Renee! I am getting excited for you to finish your cross stitch now! I can imagine how hard it must be stitching on that fine linen... I think I would go cross-eyed! Good luck with your goals for this week! :) x

  2. Great progress this week! You are so close to finishing Santa.

  3. Great progress. Do you find yourself stitching quicker when you get towards the end of a chart or is it just me

  4. I'm getting excited for you, being so close to the end! The size of those holes is why I don't XS. LOL I LOVE your CQ fan on the header! That's inspirational, stitching-wise, but also to see something so great in this week of our Independence celebration.

  5. I love you new blog banner! That's a photo of the pocket on your Patriotic Tote Bag, isn't it?

    I think us readers are getting almost as excited as you to see Santa and Mouse finished. :)

    Best wishes and bright thoughts on achieving your goals for the coming week.

  6. oooh - I can see the finish line! It's almost done and you are already planning a celebration I know (maybe....hmmmm....starting a new piece?).

  7. it is lovely. love your progress

  8. Love the idea of making a To Do List each week - keeps everything fresh in your mind what needs doing. You must have lots of patience to do all that cross-stitching - I'd have given up months ago - well done!!!

  9. A beautiful piece and you made some nice progress on it.

  10. How about a clip on magnifier or the lamps with magnifier. It might be a good investment. The piece is beautiful.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Tracy, that would be a great investment. Thankfully, as I move away from the center of the piece, there is less pressure on the fabric and the squares are not only easier to see, but less of a struggle to fit a needle through. :)

    It is such a fun chart!

  13. Hi Renee....thanks for visiting my blog...I am now your newest GFC follower!! YAH!!! And two things I'm looking forward to....that you are a list maker like me! (Don't ya just love scratching things off the list) Second, I just started crazy hoping to find inspiration (and tips) here. Nice to "meet". Val

  14. PS: I'd like to personally invite you and your followers to stop by on TUesdays for my Tuesday Archives linky and this SUnday to sign up for my 3rd annual piggy bank fun fun!!

  15. I'm way behind on reading blogs. Wow what great progress you have made!!


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