
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Work in Progress Wednesday 05/20/2015

Well, I completed 2 of my 5 goals for the week... 

I managed to add 295 stitches to Santa and the Mouse. The fireplace is done and the chart is now 71% complete. The photo below shows how it looked last week.

Although I only completed 2 of my goals, I am happy to say I have not been slacking! What have I been up to? Well, I am working on a task for my son's upcoming senior grad night party. I have been putting together the step-by-step series for the under the sea block I am working on. (Even if I had realized how much time that would take, I would happily do it again.) And, I have been fulfilling a few behind the scenes responsibilities for Crazy Quilting International (CQI). I am not big on tooting my own horn, so I may have neglected to share that I was asked to be a CQI moderator. It is a huge honor and I hope to serve the group well.

Oh! I cannot forget to mention I spent some time drooling over pictures in the Summer Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine that arrived this week. I am not affiliated with the magazine. If you enjoy seeing the under the sea blocks in the round robin I am in, you will love this edition of the magazine. There are some amazing tutorials. Kathy Shaw shared pictures of two of them, if you want to check them out here on her blog. I cannot wait to try them out!

This is going to be another busy week, so we will so how far I make it on this week's goals. To be honest, as long as I mail out Sandra's UTS block tomorrow, the rest will be icing on the cake. 

Thank you for stopping by!

Last Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) Done. See above.
2. Complete Sandra's Under the Sea block for the CQI Round Robin. Almost done! My next post in the series will include how I made this fellow. 

3. Work on my Beginner's block from Kathy Shaw's FREE Crazy Quilt Basic Class. Hopefully next week! I really want to finish this one.
4. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #6 at Super Mom No Cape on May 18th. Done. You may view my post here
5. Put together a 2nd raised bed for our garden with my husband. Nope. I am hoping next week the weather and my available time will coordinate a bit better!

This Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 
2. Complete Sandra's Under the Sea block for the CQI Round Robin.
3. Work on my Beginner's block from Kathy Shaw's FREE Crazy Quilt Basic Class.
4. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #7 at Super Mom No Cape on May 25th. (If you missed the party on the 18th, you may check it out here!)
5. Put together a 2nd raised bed for our garden with my husband.
6. Share my 1 Xmas Item a Month post.
7. Link up with the Stop Pinning and Make Something May Link Party. (The May link up is here and details to join in are here.)

Edited 5/21/2015 - Oops! I forgot to add the link to the May Stop Pinning and Make Something Link Party. It is there now!


  1. Your Santa chart is beautiful. I will enjoy watching it grow.

  2. Hello Renee! You are nearly on the home stretch with your cross stitch and it is looking beautiful. I have really enjoyed your step by step CQ blocks and you have me really excited to receive my copies of the Summer Crazy Quilt Quarterly which I have on order!! Good luck for this week's goals! :) x

  3. Great progress on Santa! I'll be watching for how you made the seahorse.

  4. I always love your 'goal' posts (hah, sounds athletic doesn't it!!) and how much you have accomplished. (Thank you for the shout out about the Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine!)

  5. You have been busy! Slowlying but surely with Santa, you'll get there. I love your sweet seahorse.

  6. Wow - your Santa and Mouse is incredible. It will be a keeper, for sure!!

  7. Great progress on your Santa piece. Can't wait to see more of the Seahorse. Too adorable!!

  8. Lovely seahorse and work on Santa, you get so much done.


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