
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday 04/30/2014

Christmas Tree (adapted from Diana Lampe's Pencil Pine)
Another week has flown by and it is WIP Wednesday again!

This week, I added a tree trunk and red seed bead "ornaments" to the Christmas tree on my Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin block.

A picture of the full block progress to date is below.  Again, it has been slow going on this block, as I have been working on two gifts (that I may be able to share soon) and a few other projects.

To see what Sharon and other stitchers have been up to, check out this week's WIPW post on Sharon Boggon's blog - don't forget to check the links in the comments!

Renee's CQI Winter/Christmas "Dream" block progress as of 04/30/14
Now for progress on my To Do List.  Be forewarned - it is growing.  Partly because the Crazy Quilting International Hearts DYB Round Robin begins tomorrow.  (I am SO excited! Just WAIT until you see all the beautiful blocks headed my way these next few months!  I do admit, I also have the pre-stitch jitters, hoping I don't mess up someone else's gorgeous block, but they will pass once I punch that first needle through the fabric.) The other reason my list is growing is because I am WEAK! I caved and gave in to an urge I have had since mid-January.  (In my defense, it is just SO pretty! Or... it will be as you may see in the links related to item 16 on the list below.)

Last Week's Goals:
  1. My block to embellish from the CQI Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin Progress seen above.
  2. The wall hanging I plan to create with all of my CQI Winter/Christmas blocks
  3. My CQJP 2013 May block - better late than never?! (It is referred to as Block 4 if you follow this link.)
  4. A crazy quilted hexagon to participate in my first swap with the World Wide Crazy Quilters Yahoo! Group
  5. A change purse for myself (to learn how to use a sew-in purse frame.)
  6. Two gifts I hope to complete by the end of April I have made great progress on both and hope to share them with you next week!
  7. Complete my April CQJP 2014 block. I added one thread. Does that count as progress?
  8. Have a count of at least 50,000 words for my CampNaNoWriMo novel.  No progress.
This Week's Goals:
  1. My block to embellish from the CQI Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin
  2. The wall hanging I plan to create with all of my CQI Winter/Christmas blocks
  3. My CQJP 2013 May block - better late than never?! (It is referred to as Block 4 if you follow this link.)
  4. A crazy quilted hexagon to participate in my first swap with the World Wide Crazy Quilters Yahoo! Group
  5. A change purse for myself (to learn how to use a sew-in purse frame.)
  6. Two gifts I hope to complete by the end of April
  7. Complete my April CQJP 2014 block.
  8. Have a count of at least 50,000 words for my CampNaNoWriMo novel.
  9. Make a purse with my April CQJP 2014 block.
  10. Piece my May CQJP 2014 block.
  11. Embellish my May CQJP 2014 block.
  12. Make a purse with my May CQJP 2014 block.
  13. Complete a gift by the end of May.
  14. Mail out my CQI Hearts DYB RR blocks. 
  15. Embellish one of Lisa's CQI Hearts DYB RR blocks. (They are GORGEOUS!)
  16. Freebie StoryKeep Flower Bride by Linda Tso - complete row 1 of page 1 of the chart. 
    My Week 1 Progress HAED freebie StoryKeep Flower Bride by Linda Tso
I have been itching to stitch something from Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) since I learned about their site during the Grow Your Blog Party at 2 Bags Full in January.  The "StoryKeep Flower Bride" seems to be a mini version of Linda Tso's "The Flower Bride" - which is SO beautiful.  Although it is a smaller design for me, it is still huge - if I finish within a year it will be amazing.  I only had 32-count linen, which makes my progress VERY slow - it requires daylight so I can actually see the squares.  My husband thinks I am insane, and he is probably right.  But, I just have to finish this beauty so I can order and complete the next chart on my dream list, "Mini Rose" copyrighted by Rachel Anderson in 2008.  It is also gorgeous. (Just imagine "Mini Rose" at the center of a crazy quilt...)  Anyway... back to the Freebie StoryKeep Flower Bride.  My progress this week is above.  It will be weeks before my fabric looks like anything more than pretty colors.   This is roughly 400 "x" stitches out of over 34,000. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Happy Wednesday!


  1. You have a lot on your lists! The Christmas tree is lovely!

    1. Thank you! As for the list... I am glad it is a long-term list! :)

  2. I enjoyed your list and the progress you have made on the block.

  3. Your tree is just gorgeous, love the snowy look!

    1. Thank you! I have a love/hate relationship with metallic floss. My love for the way it looks wins out over the challenges of embroidering with it. ;)

  4. I love your little tree. And your to do list is wonderful. I write down things as I finish them because there are way to many ufo's here to go to writing them down. But I could put art of them into a list and maybe then I would work on them. Ya think?! Great blog, I need to spend more time here. Phyllis


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