
Friday, December 14, 2012

Halloween Glasses Case

I am looking forward to giving my blog (and my CQ projects) more attention!  In a previous post, I was looking forward to creating my first seam treatment inspired solely by my own imagination.
I am very happy with the broomstick seam treatment!
The broom handles were made using brown floss and a buttonhole stitch.  At the base of each handle, I made three small lazy daisy stitches with a yellow floss to create mop heads.  Next, I cinched the tops of the mops by carefully bringing brown floss out from beneath the yellow stitches, near the handle.  I wrapped the brown around the yellow twice, gently bunching the yellow stitches together.  Then, I pulled the needle through the back again, hiding the stitch beneath the gathered yellow lazy daisies.

In the end, the two Halloween panels looked like this:
I had so much fun working on this project!  Of course, the glow-in-the-dark fabrics and embroidery floss may have had something to do with that.  *grins*

The delicate way the silver spiderweb turned out in the upper-left corner is one of my favorite parts.
Front panel
Back panel
This glasses case was a gift to myself.  Although, now that it is December, I am thinking I should make one a little more versatile - lol!

I wish you all a wonderful day.



  1. Amazing embroidery work on the glasses case!

    1. Thank you! It was so much fun. Have a great day!


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