
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Glasses case for my niece

I began this glasses case some time ago, in hopes of completing it as a birthday gift for my niece.  Her birthday was in November.  In November, I was also training for my first half-marathon.  (Due to a stress fracture in my foot the week prior to the race, my first half-marathon will have to take place in 2013.)  And, I was participating in NaNoWriMo. (Although I completed 50,000 words in 30 days, my story is not done and needs A LOT of work!)
Front panel before embellishing
Front panel after embellishing.
Back panel before embellishing.
Back panel after embellishing.
So, I ended up finishing this gift - literally - just in time for Christmas (at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of December 24th.)
Back, after assembly.
Front, after assembly.

I need to make myself a tutorial, as I have altered the original pattern.  It had been a while since I last assembled a case with a button latch, and I forgot to add the button hole when I should have.  Also, the button I used was quite large.  I needed to make the interfacing on the button flap smaller.  The seams were too bulky to fit beneath the presser foot on my sewing machine, so I had to create a make-shift button hole.  I also placed the hole higher than I would have liked.  Next time, I hope to do better.  In spite of my mistakes, my niece LOVED her gift.  It has her favorite colors: blue, purple and yellow.

Oh, I have decided to participate in the Crazy Quilting Journal Project 2013 (CQJP 2013) this year.  The first photos should be posted on their blog on January 1st.  I hope to have my first 6" block completed soon, to share with you.  I thought the 6" blocks would go pretty fast.  Then I planned my first design... I should know myself better by now!


  1. Your case is just beautiful. I love the threads you chose for your stitching. They just pop off the fabric.

    I look forward to seeing your first block for the Crazy Quilting Journal Project. You should have a lot of fun with that.

    1. Thank you! I hope 2013 is a great year for you.

  2. That case is absolutely beautiful!

    I just looked at the 2012 crazy quilt pictures. Wow what talent people have. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you come up with, because I've seen in your pictures how much talent you have!

    1. You are entirely too kind! I will be posting a picture of the progress on my first block soon.


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