
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Twilight Duel: SAL Update 22


Only 432 stitches were added to my Heaven and Earth Designs Twilight Duel cross-stitch project over the past 3 weeks. 

The photo above is from our last SAL update.

It is not as much progress as I had hoped for, but that is okay. I am still on track to complete this row of pages by the end of the year.

I do hope you will visit the other crafty bloggers participating in our 3 week stitch along.

Thank you for visiting!



  1. That seems like plenty of stitching to me. Looks like you've been positioning the latest stitches. I think that always makes the next bits a little easier to do.

  2. still progress Renee, and looking spectacular

  3. Looks good, Renee! Full coverage is a pretty slow stitch for me that around 400 stitches is normal for me, therefore great progress :)

  4. Any amount of stitches is progress in the right direction. Sometimes life gets in the way and uses up our stitching time.

  5. So many small stitches! Looks like a great progress to me!

  6. You know I love this one, and 432 is better than 0 by a long shot! It's getting done.

  7. This has really progressed in the past year Renee, and it is a beauty! Definitely worth the effort!

  8. It may not be a lot but nevertheless it is still progress and as you well know any progress is good. xx

  9. Slow and steady does it. I am sure you life is full to the brim with many other things.

  10. 400+ stitches feels like a lot to me, especially on a big and intricate piece like this. Well done!


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