
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Twilight Duel: SAL Update 16


Over 2,200 stitches were added to my Heaven and Earth Designs Twilight Duel cross-stitch. I love this artwork by Ruth Thompson.

I do hope you will stop by to see what the other bloggers in this stitch-along (SAL) have been working on. We each select our own project to work on and share our progress every 3 weeks. 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. 55% complete! You've stitched lots again. The black creature is so dramatic :-)

  2. The white dragon is almost complete! This is so pretty.

  3. That white dragon makes for some tough stitching! Well done Renee!

  4. WOW -- you got a lot done in this stretch! I'm always astounded by the size and the detail in this piece -- it's so beautiful.

  5. I say WOW! also. You have stitched so very much since I last visited and it is fantastic. I wish you and Yours, a safe and healthy 2021

  6. Great progress this time Renee, and another piece I love x

  7. You really made some great progress. Here's to more great progress for next time....looking good :)

  8. Great progress, I do love dragons and this is a gorgeous design.

  9. I don´t know how you managed to see where to stitch. I´m impressed! Great work!

  10. I'm so impressed with this one! I don't think (ha ha) I've ever mentioned how much I love dragons.

  11. I am admired .. it is meticulous and beautiful!
    Hugs, Carmela

  12. Huge amount of progress and it looks beautiful


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