
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Twilight Duel: SAL Update 9


I am thrilled to have surpassed the halfway point on the Heaven and Earth Designs Twilight Duel cross-stitch project I am stitching for my son.

73,878 of 147,600 stitches are complete! The photo above shows how it looks now. And the photo below is how it looked on our last update.

Our next SAL (stitch along) update will be September 13th. The bloggers in this SAL all select their own project to work on and we share updates every 3 weeks. 

I do hope you will hop over to see what everyone else has been working on! We are in different time zones, so if a post is not up yet, please check back later.

Happy Stitching!


  1. I want to say you're on the home straight but there's still a long way to go. What a remarkable achievement so far!

  2. It must be so exciting to know that you are on the homeward bound leg of this beautiful project Renee! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Christine xx

  3. Halfway mark is a big achievement for a project this size ! you're doing great!

  4. It looks amazing. My mind is slightly boggled at the amount of stitches though. My project seems to be going on forever and it's only about 35,000 stitches LOL

  5. Yippee on passing the half way mark. Thats always a great feeling. Beautiful work :)

  6. Great job accomplishing that halfway milestone! Keep it going!!

  7. Woohoo halfway. Even on a regular cross stitch at times that is a huge accomplishment, but on a HAED it is WOW!

  8. Congratulations on reaching that milestone, but there is still a long way to go. Keep on, straight ahead!

  9. Crossing the half way point is so exciting, and I can see your progress too! Well done!

  10. Well done! Passing the middle means you are on your way home!

  11. The white dragons is almost completely stitched now. You made a lot of progress. Congrats on passing the halfway point.

  12. It's a beautiful and challenging projects!...If I think of the white are very good!
    Hugs, Carmela

  13. Halfway is significant on one of these full coverage designs! It's looking beautiful too, those color changes in the background are dramatic.

  14. Half way done is something to celebrate!

  15. woo hoo! half way - that must feel great!

  16. Avis, thank you! Yes, it will be a long journey on that home stretch!
    Megan, thank you!
    Carole, thank you! It is mind boggling. I hope you are enjoying the journey with Precious Dreams, too. It is gorgeous!
    Christina, thank you! I hope to keep it going - hitting that milestone is motivating. :)
    Thank you, Gun! It is quite exciting to hit that halfway mark!
    Thank you, Carmela!
    Claire, thank you! It does feel great!

  17. Congratulations on reaching the halfway point. Hope you celebrated!

  18. It looks like more than half, at least on the dragons. This is my favorite of all your pieces. If I had any ability or patience with XS, I'd do this one myself. But I don't! LOL I settle for watching your progress, and thinking about your lucky son.


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