
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Twilight Duel - SAL Update 7

Less than 300 stitches were added to Twilight Duel these past 3 weeks. I had just under 3 hours to spend stitching since our last update. At least I can still see a bit of progress filling in page 9 and extending up into page 10. (The black dragon's abdomen is beginning to show.)

This is how it looked in my last update. I will share a photo of the full piece in our next SAL update on August 2nd. There should be a lot more progress. (I hope!)

72,962 of 147,600 stitches are complete, so it is 49.43% done. (It was 49.23%.)

Page 9 is 70.28% complete. (It was 67.7%.)

Page 10 is 4.47% complete. (It was 2.08%.)

I do hope you will hop over to see the amazing projects the other bloggers in our Stitch Along (SAL) are working on. We are in different parts of the world, so if a post is not up yet, please check back later.


  1. That's a lot of stitches in the time you had available so well done :)

  2. I can see the difference. We can't always do as much stitching as we would like, but 300 stitches is better than zero.

  3. It's still 300 stitches closer to a finish ! I just enjoy seeing areas fill in, even if slowly !

  4. Good progress! It will have taken a lot of patience all those dark threds! Good stitching and good Summer!

  5. It's looking great, hopefully you can get some more time to yourself for stitching. Keep well xx

  6. 300 stitches is great progress. The colours are so rich in this piece.

  7. so close to the half-way mark!

  8. So frustrating when you don't get your stitching time for several weeks, but 300 stitches is still something, and I bet this is a better session for you!

  9. This is such a complex piece, so, to me, who has never done anything like this, 300 stitches sounds like a lot!

  10. Slow progress is still progress!

  11. 300 stitches seems like a lot -- and I can definitely see progress. I love your big projects!

  12. Well done Renee! It's looking fabulous Christine xx

  13. I need to get 300 stitches in :) Your doing such a great job on this

  14. 300 is 300 you don't have left to do. =) It's a little progress I can see in the corner. Maybe there will be another 300 by August 2!

  15. I hope the next three weeks afford you more time to stitch. This is looking wonderful, of course!

  16. I agree with everyone above! 300 stitches are a progress!

  17. Yep, 300 stitches is a step in the right direction. You might be disappointed in that number but it's certainly better than nothing!


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