
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fractal White Tiger January 2020 Update

371 stitches were added to my Charting Creations Fractal White Tiger cross-stitch project this month.

The project is now 20.79% complete.

I started this piece on January 1, 2016 to participate with the Stitchy Start blog.

Happy Stitching!


  1. I just love this piece that you are stitching Renee. The colours are so beautiful and your stitching is so neat! Hope your week is going well! Christine xx

  2. You stitch such intricate pieces. It looks great!

  3. Looks great. Amazing when you consider how many stitches you put in and it doesn't seem like there is much change at times, at least for my stitching.

  4. Woohoo! Only 4 more pieces of that pie to go. =) I'm imagining it was hard not to work those stitches on your book spine!

  5. The shy tiger is showing more of himself every time you report!


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