
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

TAST 2019 - Stitches 5 & 17

It has been ages since my last Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST) post. I actually completed these stitches in June... (Learn more about the TAST challenge offered by Sharon Boggon at through the link above.)

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This seam was added to a crazy quilted Valentine fabric postcard I am creating. It was created with two TAST stitches.

Stitch 5: Feather Stitches were added with a strand of green DMC S909 satin floss.

Stitch 17: Bullion Knot Stitches were added with #48 DMC size 8 variegated perle cotton floss to add flowers to a vine of feather stitches.

For this stitch, the right needle is very important. I struggled with these horribly before reading Sharon's tip to use a milliners needle. 

My 2019 TAST Progress:
Completed Stitches: 1-5, 7, 11 & 17
Need to Stitch: 6, 8-10, 12-16, & 18-36

Thank you for visiting!


  1. They look gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your Bullion Knots are SO perfect! If only mine were, too!

  3. Such beautiful work! I'm so happy to see you doing CQ stitches. I've missed seeing your wonderful work.

  4. Beautiful stitches Renee! Love your gorgeous valentine fabric too! Christine xx

  5. I keep forgetting about the bullion knot stitch and really should use it in one of my next projects. If nothing else, to remind me how to do it!


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