
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fractal White Tiger September 2019 Update

The last few updates on my Charting Creations Fractal White Tiger cross-stitch project were shared on the Stitchy Start blog.

This is how it is looking now and I hope to make more progress in October.

The project is 20.58% complete. My goal is to finish pages 11 and 12 by the end of the year.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. This is really beautiful Renee! Hope you have a wonderful week too! Christine xx

  2. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.

  3. It's funny that looking at it from a distance, the stitching almost looks like lovely cat fur. He may not be coming along super fast, but he's beautiful.

  4. Sometimes I think it must be a bit disconcerting to have that wonderful eye looking at you as you stitch. He (she?) is looking good!


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