
Sunday, August 11, 2019

SK Effects of Caffeine - SAL Update 11

Hi all! This is going to be a super quick post. I abandoned my family for the weekend to visit some friends and have limited time. So, here is a quick picture of where I am now. My last post may be found here, if you want to compare the progress. I added 1,057 stitches. Page 2 is almost finished and I've worked a bit on page 3.

Please hop over to see what everyone else has accomplished. We are in different time zones, so if a post is not published yet, check back later. You may find more details about our SAL on Avis' blog.

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. More than 1000 extra stitches. Amazing! Well done :-)

  2. Beautiful stitches and happy summer! It's nice!

  3. that's a lot of stitches!

  4. Amazing progress! That's a lot of stitching :-)

  5. Hello ~ keep the mojo going - I am so anxious to see this when it is completed. :) Sharon

  6. Adding 1,000plus stitches sounds amazing! I get a kick out of your tracking it. Happy Stitching!

  7. And there's Mr. dragon!!! I bet that was part of the motivation for all those stitches!

  8. I missed the last SAL post so your progress was more obvious to my eye this time. Well done! It can be hard to get stitching time in during the summer months. Enjoy your family and friends while you can!

  9. I see the gorgeous dragon! Congrats on the progress!! Have fun!

  10. Congratulations! That's looking really good!

  11. I can see it (the progress, that is!). There's soon going to be a dragon.

  12. Oh! There's Mr. Dragon! Looking forward to "meeting" him -- and, wow, 1000+ stitches! That's amazing!!!


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