
Sunday, April 7, 2019

SK Effects of Caffeine - SAL Update 5

892 stitches were added to my Heaven and Earth Designs Storykeep Effects of Caffeine cross-stitch project since the last SAL update.

The piece now reads:

The author's name is being filled in now: I. M. Draggin.

Randal Spangler's artwork that this piece is based upon is here.

This is how it looked on March 17th.

8,033 of 23,660 stitches are now complete.

The project is 33.95% complete.
Page 1 is 100% complete.
Page 2 is 26.93% complete.

I do hope you will stop by to see what the other SAL (stitch along) participants are working on! Steph and LucyAnn are taking a break at the moment. If you are interested in joining, contact Avis. More details are on her blog.

Links to the other blogs are below. We are all in different time zones, so if a post is not up yet, please check back later.

Thank you for visiting! Our next update will be on April 28th.


  1. It's looking great Renee, I had a wee chuckle at the author's name, how appropriate for a book about caffeine! Jenny x

  2. Well done! I'm enjoying all the statistics as well as the stitching :-)

  3. your making great progress on this. Keep it up! ~ Sharon

  4. The more you stitch, the more we can see this is a book. At first I thought it was a pillar or column.

  5. Great progress Renee! I am still amazed that you are stitching this on 30 count over one thread...I cannot begin to contemplate that!

  6. It´s very beautiful and I´m so impressed of all your figures information!!!!

  7. Very nice ! It's all so impressive to see the numbers, satisfies some kind of organisational OCD :D

  8. THis is amazing work really. And to think it is one thread stitching is fantastic.

  9. I am definitely draggin' before I get my morning coffee! Author's name made me laugh.

  10. Amazing! You must be so pleased with how this is coming along.

  11. Wow! I love seeing this take shape, and reading your statistics, too!

  12. You are keeping a nice steady rate of progress on this one. Its so realistic looking.


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