
Friday, August 10, 2018

SK Effects of Caffeine Days 22 - 24

My cross-stitch travel project is a chart from Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED). "SK Effects of Caffeine" is a storykeep chart based on the artwork of Randal Spangler. You may see what the completed piece will look like on the HAED website, here.

The photo above shows how it looked in December of 2017. On May 28th, I worked on it for 32 minutes and added 91 stitches. The photo below shows the progress.

On Friday, August 3rd, I took it to work with me and worked on it for 40 minutes during my lunch break. 81 stitches were added. The photo below shows how it looked.

And, Saturday, August 4th, I was able to work on it for an hour and ten minutes. 100 stitches were added. This photo shows how it looks now.

The project is 13.77% complete with 3,257 of 23,660 stitches finished. The first page (of four) is 51.13% complete.

Thank you for visiting!


  1. It’s great to be able to work on a project in small bursts. You always feel like you are making progress. It’s looking great!

  2. Thanks for the link to see what it looks like when finished. It's wonderful, and before seeing the whole thing, I didn't see how it fit in to the sort of thing you usually make, but now I do. =)

  3. Great work Renee... every stitch counts... whenever you can make them.

  4. Well done, Renee! I didn’t know the pattern so it was nice to see what you are working on. It’s really cute! Great work!
    Barbara xx


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