
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) Sent and Received

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine hosted a 2018 ATC Swap. 
(An ATC is an Artist Trading Card.) 

For shipping reasons, the swap was only open to residents of the United States. Entries needed to be received by January 31st. 

I created 3 ATCs for the swap.
My ATC tutorial shared step-by-step instructions for creating "The Blue Spider" (pictured above.)

"I Love Good Coffee" was a fun way to use several scraps of fabric in my stash from the Clothworks "Have a Latte" fabric line designed by Dan DiPaolo.

And I was delighted to hear that "Spring Tree" was received by my blogging friend at Createology

The ATCs I received from the swap arrived in the colorful envelopes shared at the beginning of this post.
Here they are, shared in the order in which I opened them.

This beauty was created by Paula Brown.
I was surprised to learn it was her first miniature crazy quilt piece.
It is absolutely lovely! 

This beautiful ATC was created by Lisa Buckley.
Fun Fact: I have another beautiful piece of work Lisa created from the very first fabric postcard swap I participated in through the Yahoo CQ for Newbies Group. 
Receiving her work in my first ATC Swap made me grin.

"A Spring Garden"
This lovely ATC was created by Alice McClelland. The stitching is beautiful and I love the crystal butterflies.

Six of the ATCs submitted for the swap were selected as winners and the creators of those ATCs received an additional ATC created by a member of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine's staff.

One of the ATCs I received was selected as a winner.
However, I will not share which one and spoil the surprise for those of you that have yet to see the Summer 2018 Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine.

I am not affiliated with the magazine.
It is available digitally or in print at
It is also available in print at Kittyandme at Etsy.

If you crazy quilt, submissions for the Winter 2018 Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine are accepted through August 1, 2018.
You may find more details here, at Kitty and Me Designs.

If you would like to make a crazy quilted artist trading card, the 3 part tutorial I shared begins here.

Thank you so much for visiting!


  1. Oh. I just love Spring Tree! Making an actual scene on a crazy quilt block is unique.

  2. Renee I am so thrilled to have received one of your CQ ATCs. This swap was sew much fun. Thank you for sharing your tutorials as I am new to CQ. Every CQ ATC is sew special and lovely. Creative CQ Bliss...<3

  3. These are just delightful Renee both the ones you made and the ones that your received! What a fun swap! Happy Mother's Day! Christine x

  4. I’ve really enjoyed reading your tutorials on how to make the ATC’s! Such a lot of effort! I expect they take as long to make as a full size quilt!
    I especially love your Spring Tree and I think Paula Brown’ spider is just amazing. How exciting and nerve wracking it must be, wondering if the postcard will arrive!
    Barbara xx

  5. Three lovelies sent and three lovelies received!

  6. Those are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What beauties all six are! It really was a great swap, judging by your ATCs and the ones you received. =) Thanks for sharing the pictures. I like the little covers you sent them in, too.


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