
Thursday, March 8, 2018

More InCoWriMo Happy Mail!

This wonderful card arrived in the mail the end of last week as part of InCoWriMo 2018. 

Exchanging letters with Kathy from Running with Rocket was particularly fun because we are both in Oregon.

The card she sent me features a photo of the M.J. Lee Ferry on the Willamette River that was taken by Jeffrey Peterson. My husband and I actually planned to take this ferry once while we were out and about years ago. Unfortunately, we did not plan things very well, as the ferry was not running that day. Oops! (I assume it was a holiday, but it was too long ago to remember.) We may have to try again soon!

I love our beautiful state, so this was a fun surprise to receive in the mail. Thank you, Kathy!


InCoWriMo stands for International Correspondence Writing Month. It is a personal challenge to write a letter a day in February. You may learn more about it here.


  1. Going on a ferry is an adventure! I'd go the extra round-about way just to ride it!
    It's a charming 'vintage' card.

  2. So nice to get some mail from someone living in the same state.
    I am preparing my personal month of correspondence for May but I think sending out a letter or a card every other day is enough for me. So ate least I'll try it and I'M sure it will become a very special month.

  3. How fun. Definitely have to try to take that adventure again.

  4. What a lovely piece of mail to receive. I hope you get to go on the ferry one day.

  5. I love being a “tourist” in my own town and state and discovering things and places. Fun mail. <3

  6. Hi Renee... what a lovely surprise I got in the mail! Wow, thank you so much & I'm so chuffed that you thought of me in regards to your InCoWriMo for this year. Now I can look at your beautiful embroidery any time I wish!

  7. How I would love to be able to sit on that ferry and just watch the world go by. Wouldn't that be fun?

  8. Thank you, Catherine! We will definitely need to take a ride on the ferry. :)


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