
Friday, November 17, 2017

IHSW November 2017

It is the third full weekend of the month, which means it is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW.)

I plan to work on my Heaven and Earth Designs "QS Red Hearts" project for IHSW. I really love this piece of artwork by Ching-Chou Kuik. (She sells lovely digital stamps on Etsy - which you may find here - and HAED has charted several pieces of her artwork - which you may find here. I am not affiliated.)

Yikes! I have not worked on this piece since September 9th. I hope to have visible progress to share on Monday. 

Stats before IHSW:
62.15% complete with 29,202 of 46,990 stitches finished.

It is going to be a busy weekend here, tidying our home to host Thanksgiving next week. And, my youngest son and his friends will be performing in Once Upon a Mattress, a musical parody of The Princess and the Pea.

Are you doing anything fun this weekend? I hope you have a great one!


You may read more about IHSW here and see this month's post at Random Ramblings, here.


  1. Oh, I wish I could have a hermit and stitch weekend. Alas, I'll have a work and nurse and be at the beck-and-call weekend, but hope to have a bit of stitching time thrown in.
    Looking forward to Monday and the progress report.
    Good luck with the cleaning and performance.

  2. I hope to do nothing not completely necessary this weekend. =) She looks so far along suddenly, even if you didn't work on her lately. Here's hoping you do have some hermit time!

  3. I've seen your Facebook progress but finally have time to read blogs. So glad you made such beautiful progress on this one.

  4. This is a beautiful design, such gorgeous colours.
    The revamped IHSW was a great success!

  5. She has such a sweet face! Looking at all those threads gives me the willies - if it were me, they'd be such a tangled up mess.


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