
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

TAST Stitches 64 and 99

It has been entirely too long since my last Take A Stitch Tuesday (TAST) post! 

Tonight, I had a bit of fun with a glittery variegated embroidery thread and DMC size 5 pearl cotton #4170.

TAST Stitch 64: Chained Bar Stitch

First, I worked the Chained Bar Stitch

TAST Stitch 99: Woven Chained Bar Stitch

Next, I worked the Woven Chained Bar Stitch.

TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. at to learn a new stitch each week. 

This round of TAST will have 100 stitches. Stitch 99 was released this week, so next week will be the last one for this round. (However, I will continue working the stitches I have skipped.) 

TAST will resume in January. For those that have completed TAST in the past, there will be a new challenge called Beyond TAST. There are a few more details on this blog post at Pintangle.

Sharon has also created a Facebook Group for those that would like to learn to create a fabric book. You may find more details here

I would love to know if you will be joining TAST in January or if you are creating a fabric book. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. They are both great stitches and I hope you will add them to a cq block one day.

  2. What lovely stitches. You're amazing.....

  3. Nicely done! I really like that DMC color. It looks so soft and pretty. Why does #5 look so fine on your work, and like a rope on mine? LOL

  4. Two very pretty stitches, have stitched them so nicely! Love the thread colours too.

  5. Very pretty. Maybe I need to start to read her blog so I can learn to embroider better? Your work is always gorgeous.

  6. I would love to do TAST in January but will have to think about what time I might have. I did the very first TAST that Sharon did and I know it was great fun and I learned a lot. I've often thought I'd like to make a fabric book of stitch samples but it's one of those things that doesn't seem to get beyond the thinking stage.


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