
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Twilight Duel Update #18 - March 2017

Today, I am pretending it is still the 2nd Monday of the month. 

We had Internet issues for a couple of days, so yesterday I was unable to share this update on the Heaven and Earth Designs Twilight Duel cross-stitch I am working on for my youngest son. He fell in love with Ruth Thompson's dragons when he saw this chart. At my current rate of progress, it should be finished by March of 2020. (I did warn him it would be about a 5-year project!)

As mentioned last month, I am working on page 13 for a challenge with the New Official Heaven and Earth Designs Group on Facebook. I took the piece off of the frame for a photo at the end of February and have not worked on it since. 

To complete the challenge, I need to add about 190 stitches a day. There is a lot going on this month, so that may not happen.

I did decide to reward myself though. Every time I finish a 10x10 grid on the chart of page 13, I add a thread to fill in a bit of page 7 (to the blank area left of page 13.)

Can you see the beginnings of the talon that appeared last month?! I was thrilled to see it emerge. And this piece is SO close to being 25% complete!

Percent Complete

Project: 24.69%     (It was 23.79%)
Pages 1 & 2: 100%
Page 3: 18.94%
Page 4: 100%
Page 5: 1.83%
Page 6: 0%
Page 7: 13.66%     (It was 11.08%)
Page 8: 100%
Page 9: 2.73%
Page 10: 0.25%
Page 11: 0%
Page 12: 0%
Page 13: 40.87%   (It was 26.08%)
Page 14: 3.62%     (It was 3.44%)

I am linking with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #101 at Super Mom - No Cape! I do hope you will visit to see the beautiful free vintage rose embroidery pattern and to see what others have been working on. There is a giveaway celebrating last week's 100th Stitchery Link Party and celebrating the blog's 9th year, I do hope you will check it out.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Love seeing your progress on this beautiful project Renee! Christine x

  2. Wow, your stitching is beautiful! This is going to be stunning when it's all finished!

  3. Even if it takes 5 years, it will be a work of Art and Love to treasure for many 5-year periods in the future. Lucky son!

  4. Thank you, Rachel! It is a lot of fun watching this one come together. :)

  5. Hurray for filling in the gap! I think 5 years is pretty good going for a HAED.

  6. We all know HAED take ages to finish :)
    Be patient, it will look stunning no matter how long it takes to get it finished. As long as you're having fun stitching it, that's the most important!

  7. Golly Renee, it seems that to stitch one HAED is an accomplishment, but you are doing more than that, if I recall correctly!
    Great progress!

  8. Renee your stitching is beautiful can't wait to see the finished design.

    Hugs Diane

  9. Wow, really moving along! I like seeing the whole piece, but it makes it seem smaller than I thought. How big is this piece, when you finish it?

  10. You are making great progress on this piece!

  11. 25% done? Wow - that seems to be really fast (at least from where I sit - perhaps for you not so much!!). I'm sure your son is looking over your shoulder urging you on.

  12. Thank you, Diane! I look forward to seeing it completed, too! :)


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