
Sunday, January 1, 2017

January 2017

Happy New Year!

Have you made a list of resolutions for 2017? 

I keep thinking I have 52 weeks ahead of me. A fair amount of that time is going to be spent meeting obligations and responsibilities. But, I get to decide how I want to spend the remainder of that time. I want to make the most of every moment.

My main goals for the year are to get more sleep, drink more water, be more active, hug my family members, smile at strangers, and to make choices that will make me the kind of person I want to be.

The bullet journal I began last year helped me stay focused and accomplish more. (You may learn more about bullet journals here.)

In 2017, I am moving out of the composition notebook used in 2016. I used an Amazon gift card last year to purchase two Miliko Dot Grid A5 sized notebooks

(Disclaimer, if you visit Amazon through my blog and make a purchase, I earn a small credit.)

Last night, I spent some time setting up my journal for this week.

This weekly spread was inspired by craftyenginerd on Instagram.

(I found myself thankful for whiteout!)

Depending on how long you have followed my blog, you might remember while training for my first half marathon, I sustained a stress fracture in my foot. 

I tried to ease back into running once after it healed, but stopped due to pain in the same spot.

This year, I am going to give it another go. If my foot fails to cooperate, I will figure out a new set of exercise goals.  
Do you want to join me in a Couch to 5 K (C25K)?

My top crafting goals for January:

1. Create a purse or tote with my CQJP 2014 November block - this is item #6 on my UFO Challenge 2017 list.

2. Piece and embellish my CQJP 2017 January block.

3. Make some progress on my CQJP 2016 March block.  There have been a few finishes shared on the CQJP 2016 blog already. You may check them out here.

4. Complete at least one item for my Etsy shop. (Seriously.)

5. Complete a gift for a friend's daughter - she asked about it over a year ago. Until now, I struggled with an idea that did not include beads or choking hazards.

Any other progress will be icing on the cake, so-to-speak.

Looking Ahead:
Next month is Valentine's Day. Completing a Valentine-themed project sounds fun. Are you working on a Valentine-themed project this month?

February 1st is also the deadline to submit photos to Pamela Kellogg for the Summer 2017 edition of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly. She is seeking articles, tutorials and photos of crazy quilt works featuring buttons for this addition. You may learn more here and here. (I am not affiliated, but it is fun to see your work featured in a magazine!)

Thank you for stopping by! If you are interested in sharing, I would love to know what your biggest goal is for January.

Happy New Year!


  1. It is always fascinating to read your 'log book'. I can put up goals but get very disappointed when I can not meet them, so I tend to be very lax in making New Years resolutions.
    Enjoy 2017 and follow your plans.

  2. Hello Renee. I am not one for resolutions. I do try to set some goals. I am still formulating my 2017 approach. I admire your journaling and goals. May you have a Wonderful 2017 filled with lots of Peace, Joy and Creative Bliss. XO

  3. Wow you are organised and ready for 2017! Looks like it's going to be a busy year.
    My goal for January is to finish a couple of gifts and then to make a good start on my new Santa kit that Santa brought!
    I am planning to start a C25K plan later this week as soon as I can get to a sports shop for some trainers. I last ran 10 years ago pre-kids and am quite overweight so I've no idea how I'll get on! But I have been very stressed at work this past year and have read too many articles recently about the positive effects of running so I'm going to give it a try.

  4. Great idea to get organised with some goals for 2017.... I haven't decided on mine this year yet.... I will give it more thought when my family return to work/university and life returns more to normal. I hope you achieve all that you would like to Renee! Christine x

  5. Cool post. You are amazingly focused and organized. I used to be that way when I worked but retirement "unleashed" me (as I refer to it). Sometimes I wish for that focus and determination to return. I think they named this stage of my life well...reTIREment, lol.
    xx, Carol

  6. I wish you lots of luck on your January Goals. You can do it!! I've never seen that bullet journal before. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  7. It's only January 2 and already my main goal is to survive the month. LOL I really enjoyed reading your plans and looking at your journal, though. My problem is I have no trouble writing in the journal, but when it comes time to do things, I don't want to do them. I had 7 things for today. I did 2.

  8. Happy New Year, Renee. I wish you luck with your goals for this year but I have no doubt that you will meet your goals, organized as you are. These stitching and crafting journals really help a lot to stay on track, don't they?

  9. No resolutions for this girl - unless you count the ongoing quest to downsize my stash. No goals for me either - just happy to go with the flow and work on things as they come up. I simply get up in the morning and hope I'm lucky enough to get some stitching time!


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