
Friday, January 6, 2017

HAED SK Effects of Caffeine Days 12-14

I took my son to a hair appointment yesterday and remembered to take my Heaven and Earth Designs Storykeep Effects of Caffeine cross-stitch with me. The artwork is by Randal Spangler.

This photo shows how it looked after adding about half an hour to it on September 26, 2016. This was 12 days of stitching. 

September 28, 2016 was the 13th day this piece received attention. In less than half an hour, only 23 stitches were added. 

(If you can see the progress, you have a better eye than I do!)

Yesterday, I was able to work on it almost 45 minutes and made some visible progress on the far right side.

14 days of waiting for relatives during appointments has allowed me to add over 1,600 stitches to this piece in just over 17 hours.

I look forward to filling in the rest of the green gem! 

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. You have made some great progress Renee! I love that you have a special project reserved for waiting room stitching! Christine x

  2. A 'waiting project' is what you can call this piece! It is always good to have something to stitch in waiting rooms.

  3. Great progress! I always have a waiting project.

  4. Progress is progress. I see some made. Great job!

  5. Progressing nicely Renee - wish the book was a real one because I think it would be fun to read.


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