
Monday, January 30, 2017

Fractal White Tiger January 2017

Well, I tried. Really. I did. I just did not have the patience to work page 6 row by row on the chart until I reached the eye. 

So, the whole piece looks a little odd, but the first eye is almost done!

(If you are wondering, the answer is yes. I did have "The Eye of the Tiger" playing through my mind as I worked on this.)

This is how my Charting Creations Fractal White Tiger project featuring artwork by Ricky Barnard looked in my last update.

1,962 stitches were added this month.

This morning marked my 50th day working on this one. I cannot tell you how much I love seeing the tiger emerge!

I hope to surpass the 10% complete mark soon. It is getting close! 

I took this piece with me as my travel project this weekend (instead my Storykeep Effects of Caffeine) because I could not wait to get to the eye of the tiger. We have some very dear family friends we get together with once a month to play Pinochle. We have one extra person, so I like to take the opportunity to visit with everyone and stitch while they play. It is always fun to see what the others have been up to. This time, I get to share a bit of that with you.

This month our friend, Peggy Hall, gifted this stunning quilt to our friend, Judy Smith. (When two of the gentlemen in our group held it up for a third to take a photo, I grabbed my phone and asked the ladies if I could share it on my blog.) I love birds and postcards (it features postcard fabric prints) and quilts. This is gorgeous. It is a perfect gift for Judy, so it makes me smile all the more. I am so blessed to have this wonderful group of people in my life.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

I began Fractal White Tiger on January 1, 2016 as part of A New Stitchy Start 2015 & 2016. The name has changed to the 2017 Stitcher's Group. Two members finished their projects last year and we have a few new members with new starts this year. 

It is Monday, so I am linking with the Stitchery Link Party #95 at Super Mom - No Cape. There is a fun His & Hers vintage pattern available this week. If you do hand embroidery and have a blog, I hope you will join the party!


  1. Your tiger is so pretty. I totally understand why you had to stitch that eye. I love the quilt that you shared. What a wonderful gift for your friend.

  2. I don't blame you for skipping to his beautiful eye. How gorgeous! LOL I can hear you singing while stitching too.

    Wow what a gorgeous quilt!! I'm glad they let you share with us.

  3. Wow, your tiger is amazing, and the eye is beautiful!

    Love that quilt, it's just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!

    Barbara x

  4. Your tiger is looking fabulous Renee... and I just love that quilt! Christine x

  5. LOL! Love that you had Eye of the Tiger in your head while you stitched, and that is a gorgeous quilt!

  6. That tiger will now be keeping an eye on you, ha, ha!! A beautiful eye!
    The quilt is a stunner, too!

  7. Your tiger looks wonderful, well done on your progress. That is some impressive quilt!

  8. And so blessed not to have to play pinochle! LOL I would have done the same. You need to see more progress and the eye is definitely that! Gotta love a blue-eyed cat. 50 days of work and you have something emerging from the background. Great going! What a lovely quilt that is. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. I can't quite imagine Eye of the Tiger as the right soundtrack for stitching! This is looking so beautiful and you're almost at 10% already?!

    What a wonderful gift your friend gave, that quilt is gorgeous!

  10. LOL...Love it!! It's..the...eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the thread, rising up to the challenge of our needles! And the last scattered stitch will form a picture in time, and it started with only the eye...if the tiger! He looks great!!

  11. That quilt is really stunning.
    And nice progress on your tiger stitching.

  12. Wow - what an amazing gift quilt! And the eye of the tiger is looking amazing.

  13. It's exciting to see the eye of the tiger emerge. This is going to be such a stunning piece.

    That quilt is lovely! It does sound like you have a really great group of friends. :)

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party and for the great link back. Aloha hugs!


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