
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Pink Spider Coin Purse

Embroidered spider web with pink beaded spider.

While looking through some photos this morning, I realized I forgot to share this project on my blog! Well... sort of.

The photo above was shared in this post, back in September of 2015, after the embroidery was completed. The spider and web were sewn onto denim recycled from an old pair of blue jeans.

I planned to create a coin purse (and 9 other projects) to finally stock my poor empty Etsy shop. (Did I mention I have a hard time with the idea of selling what I make?)

Coin purse with embroidered heart and pink beaded spider.

In January, I completed this and one other project (that will be shared soon - it will also be a gift.) I used the same variegated pearl cotton used to embroider the heart to sew the fabric onto the purse frame. The coin purse was created following this tutorial at Sweet Bee Buzzings.

For the inside lining, I used 100% silk in a purple polka dot print upcycled from the lining of a dress found at a thrift store.

While visiting us this year, a 12-year-old Dutch relative was sadly disappointed when her zipper-pouch coin purse broke. I was not sure if she would like this as a replacement or not, but I offered it to her. Her sweet reaction and the way she lovingly admired the spider and its web truly warmed my heart.

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you have any time for crafts right now, I would love to know what you are working on  - assuming it is not secret stuff. It is that secretive time of year!



  1. Oh my gosh what a cute idea, I love the spider web and pink spider.

    Happy Holidays


  2. Obviously you were not meant to sell that purse. See how much happiness it gave your little relative! It is not surprising that she loves it; the charming and harmless pink spider and the web with a heart shaped centre, all worked on denim - the cloth of the teenager!

  3. Oh this is beautiful! I hate spiders too.

  4. This little coin purse is lovely. How heartwarming that you offered it to your little friend and she liked it. Like you dear...I am really not good at selling my own items.

  5. Brilliant coin purse finish. Glad to hear it went to someone who will enjoy using it.

  6. Beautiful FFO, and so glad the recipient liked it!

  7. Your coin purse is beautiful Renee! You always stitch such fabulous spiders in your crazy quilt blocks and projects! Love them! Christine x

  8. A fantastic spooky looking purse!
    I don't mind this type of spider :)
    Love the little button snowman on your blog header, so cute & clever!

  9. A PINK spider??? Yay! EVERYTHING is better when it's pink! I am so happy you got such a great reaction when you gifted the purse. Every now and then we need that gratification.
    xx, Carol

  10. I can see you are never getting rich from Etsy. LOL That coin purse is wonderful and I love that it's recycled fabrics. What a treasure and what a lucky girl who owns it now.

  11. Great coin purse! You have such good ideas.

  12. I know how you feel about selling what you make. I would far rather give mine away, primarily because I have no clue how to price things fairly. When I am forced to do so I am always accused of under-pricing my work. But that's not to say that the buyers end up giving me more than I ask!


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