
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

TAST 2016 Stitch 37

TAST 37: Triangular Buttonhole Stitch

This was a fun stitch! I used a single strand of blue DMC cotton floss for this stitch because I wanted to subtly embellish this seam. (You may need to click on the photo to see it better.)

Click on the title above to go to the directions on

In 2014, I used this stitch for the first time to create the seam above on a crazy quilt "snowball" I swapped with Kathy in MD. 

Thank you for stopping by!

Please note: TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. on Facebook and on her blog, You may read more about it hereIf you follow the TAST Facebook group, you know there are some incredibly inspiring examples of these stitches being shared. Anyone may join at any time during the challenge. Thank you, Sharon, for offering TAST!


  1. This is a lovely stitch, although it took me some time to get the hang of it. Your examples are great.

  2. It looks great in both iterations. I saw this stitch somewhere a couple of days ago, and thought that I wanted to include it on something soon.

  3. That is a very pretty stitch and I love the blues you have used.

  4. Love, love blue...and this stitch....amazing...

  5. This stitch looks like waves, at least when stitched with blue.

  6. Beautiful stitching Renee! I thought this was a fun stitch to work! Christine x

  7. Oh that's pretty. Either looks like waves or little shark fins.


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